Radhe Radhe

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She lined the edges of Her doe eyes with kohl. It was a neat, perfect stroke.

She smiled widely in blissful happiness, proud of Herself for drawing the perfect line.

"Why do You always decorate the rim of Your eyes with kajal?" Shree Lalita Sakhi asked.

She turned around to face Her most dearest friend, one of the Ashtasakhis of Goloka.

They exchanged smiles, or probably She would lend everyone Her own smile. Her face was as beautiful as a thousand blooming lotuses. And Her smile never faded from Her face, Her most favourite ever pervading adornment.

"Oh Sakhi! Don't You know? This kohl which rests upon My eyes, always reminds me of His presence and nearness to Me. I feel like He is always close to Me and never leaves Me. For He manifests Himself in this dark kajal, which is almost the same shade as His dark complexion."

Shree Lalita Sakhi looked at Her in awe and admiration. "Out of so many mantras in this world, it is only Your name that truly enchants Him and brings Him to Us at once."

She chuckled and blushed. "It's just Love. And I truly believe that love is magical. Come on now, let's hurry up or else We will have to keep Him waiting for the Dance."

A pair of parrots flew in and landed on Her shoulder. "Radhe Radhe", they spoke in unison.

"Who taught You this? I had taught You to say His name."

Shree Lalita Sakhi laughed. "Oh Swamini! It must have been His doing. Maybe We kept Him waiting for too long and He found a new source of amusement in these parrots."

She pouted Her red lips.

"Huh! If He did this, then He must wait longer. He deserves to wait. Everytime He keeps Us waiting, but this time it's His turn."

She sat down again on Her chair and started to converse with Her parrots.


"Oh Radhe! Everyone seeks happiness by chanting My name, but I only seek happiness from Yours

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"Oh Radhe! Everyone seeks happiness by chanting My name, but I only seek happiness from Yours. I may enchant the world, but it is only You who truly enchants Me. That's why I taught the parrots to recite Your name, for it truly gave me joy to hear Your name before My own in this Loka." He definitely had a way with words and phrases.

Her eyes were moist with tears of love and joy. She could hardly believe the beauty of His words and charm. The way He expressed His love through words and phrases and acts, was indeed very magical. Like She had stated before, love is truly magical.

The Ashtasakhis appeared, dressed in brilliant silks and overflowing robes. They all had tiaras and crowns on Their heads, signifying that each one was a Queen in the Land of Love.

They were the Queens of Goloka. And Krishna was the King of Their Hearts.

Blessed and mesmerised to see the divine moment between the Cosmic Couple, Shree Vishakha Sakhi declared a prophecy.

"Not only in this Loka, but in the whole Cosmos, everyone shall first take Her Highness' name, because it pleases not just Her but also Her Lord. Her name is the greatest mantra and the only key to Our Lord's devotion. It is only through Her divine grace that one can become a devotee of the Lord. She mentions the best deserving beings who are chosen by the Lord to be His devotee. One who recites Her name is provided divine protection by Lord Vishnu's discus, Lord Indra's vajra and Lord Shiva's trident."

Shreeju looked at Her favourite companions. They were indeed Her own expansions, and there was no difference between Them and Her.

They had even dressed in identical clothes and jewellery. The only difference was that She was sitting in Krishna's lap, while the rest sat at Their Lotus Feet.

"Krishna! Can You fulfil one of My wishes? I've been longing to tell You something."

He lifted Her chin to gaze deeply into Her dark blue eyes. Her eyes were the colour of His skin. And He could see His own reflection in them.

"Ofcourse Radhe! There is nothing that You would ask and I won't accept."

Shreeju blushed and averted His eyes.

"I am Your Chief Consort here at Goloka. We are a married couple. But I wish to be Your Lover too, and experience all those feelings that mortal beings go through on the Earth. Can We please manifest in the land of the mortals and take part in transcendental pastimes and divine play?"

Krishna looked puzzled at Her demand. But He would never disappoint Her and dutifully fulfil all Her dreams.

"But Radhe, life is difficult as a human. Lovers are destined to a fate of pain, longing, separation and pining. Why would You want to leave Our beautiful Goloka and go to the Earth?"

She raised Her arched eyebrows, the perfect shape of a bow, ready to shoot the arrows of enchantment and love.

"I want to go there, so that I can also be Your lover, and not only Your wife. I want to experience that longing, pain or whatever it puts Me through, for despair brings Me closer to You. I also want to be remembered as Your eternal Lover. Humans are mortal but they are also divine. And love is always divine, in all its forms, even between two mortals. But they've forgotten the magic of love. We should incarnate on the Earth and teach them about love."

Krishna knew He couldn't argue with Her. Rather, He never argued with anyone. He always knew how to win people over with gentle words and not harsh arguments.

"Okay Radhe, as You wish, so it will be. But love also comes with loss. And the pain may be unbearable. You'll have to suffer a lot. Sometimes I may even have to leave You alone."

She shook Her head and tried Her best to reassure Him. "Oh no Keshav, You never leave Me. You're always with Me, like the kohl in My eyes."

Krishna realised that even if He was the Master of Words, She was even the Master of His Mind.

"If We were to incarnate on the Earth, the entire Goloka and its inhabitants will come with Us. Our cows, Our rivers, Our forests, and all of Our friends. Your companions will be there too, and the land which will be witness to our Divine Love, shall be as equivalent to Our Goloka, and named Shree Vrindavan. Goddess Yamuna will run Her course across the boundaries of the forests. Goddess Tulsi will also manifest Herself in the forests of this heavenly place. It would be our eternal abode in the Earth, and its bliss will be unmatched even to the Heavens, because it will be a place full of love, and the chants of Your magical name."

They held each other's hands and started the divine, transcendental dance of Raas Leela.

And slowly, They all merged into one.

There was no separate Radha or Krishna.

Only Pure, True and Divine Love.

।। राधे राधे ।।।। जय श्री राधेकृष्ण ।।

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

।। राधे राधे ।।
।। जय श्री राधेकृष्ण ।।

Through The Groves Of Vrindavan - RadheKrishna's Transcendental Love Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ