Ever Youthful Ever Merciful

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"Radha, please bring the flowers for worship."

Kirtidha was preparing for the monthly Poornima prayers. She arranged the garlands and food offerings, lit lamps in every corner and blew conch shells to welcome auspiciousness.

The prayer room of Her home looked as lavish and magnificent as a temple. If She could find a place to decorate those beautiful blue lotuses brought by Radha, it would look even more splendid.

She called out to Radha, who, as usual, didn't respond to Her call.

Kirtidha was slowly getting used to Her daughter's unusual ways. She got up to fetch the basket on Her own.

She went through the backyard to the main hall, and She caught a quick glance at the entrance door of the house, to check if anyone was waiting there.

Her eyes widened in curiosity to see an ascetic. He looked learned, experienced and wise. He had white hair and a long beard. But what caught Her attention was not His appearance, but rather His posture.

His body was bent in eight places. He was thus called Rishi Ashtavakra. He came to Her home in search of hospitality, tired from His long journey while He preached spiritual knowledge.

Kirtidha welcomed Him and asked Him to take a seat. She then washed His feet and served Him water.

She asked Him to wait as She went looking for Radha. Finally She found Her daughter. She was sitting on the side of a small well behind Their house, well hidden and oblivious to the outside world.

She beckoned Her to get Her attention. "Radha, what are You doing? Maharishi Ashtavakra is here."

But by the time She could take Radha back inside Their home, the Rishi had already appeared at the spot.

"Maharishi, this is Our beloved Daughter, Radhika. Please grant Her Your blessings, oh noble sage!" Kirtidha introduced Her to the sage.

But the Rishi was furious, and in no mood to grant His blessings. He was enraged to see Radha smiling and giggling. And He thought that She was also ridiculing Him on His appearance, the way majority of the audiences did when they looked at His crooked posture.

Radha saw His fierce expression and stopped smiling. She realised what might have offended Him.

"Oh noble sage! Pardon My ignorance. I was only staring at the reflection of My image in these still waters. For when I look at My own reflection, it is no different from Krishna's. Infact, He is seated in the heart of every being. And this is the reason I smile as I see Him everywhere, and I feel happy at all times."

The Rishi bent down to look at Radha's reflection in the waters. And He was astonished to see Krishna, with His dark hue, staring back at Him with eyes full of mischief and wonder.

"I bless You, oh beautiful Daughter of Vrishbhanu and Kirti, that You shall remain as youthful as blooming lotuses till infinite times to come. And Your mercy shall have no bounds. You shall be the epitome of Love and Kindness, and Your appearance will always remain like a young maiden. You shall thus be called Kishori."

She was Kishori Ju, ever youthful, ever merciful.


"Mangoes! Mangoes for one and all, come one, come all!"

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"Mangoes! Mangoes for one and all, come one, come all!"

The mango seller carried the basket of fruits on Her head, as She went from village to village. She didn't have many sales for a long time, and it became difficult for Her to sustain Her livelihood.

Mangoes were very common in Vrindavan and almost everyone had trees in Their backyard. They didn't need to buy fruits separately. And this made Her business unstable.

She reached the biggest house in Vrindavan, which looked adorned like a huge palace. The mansion belonged to Nanda Maharaj.

"Oh, so this is the house of that magical child! How wonderful and blessed I am to have finally found this place!" She exclaimed with ecstasy.

She kept the basket down, and called out again, "Is there someone here at home? Would anyone like mangoes? Fresh, juicy and delicious mangoes!"

She heard the titter and tatter of small baby footsteps. And She turned around to see Krishna, the wondrous child.

He was already feasting on a pot full of butter even as He spoke, "Yes, I want. Maiya and Baba have gone to an important meeting. But I shall pay You for these mangoes. They look delicious."

She kept looking at Him, mesmerised by His beauty and charming face. He was a little bigger than a toddler, but still looked so youthful and His skin was shining with lustre.

She watched on as He turned to go back into the house. After a few minutes, He came back running to Her, leaving a trail of grains behind His steps as He walked.

He opened His small palms to show Her the grains He had brought. Only a few grains were left, almost all of them were spilled on the ground while He was running.

"Oh Kanha! Just a few grains! How adorable. I'll give You one fruit in exchange for these. They may be less but more than enough for giving Me a divine vision of Your charming form."

She handed Him the fruit, and immediately He relished the mango and finished it. She looked at Him with eyes full of adoration. She smiled at His childish behaviour and innocence.

As it was time to go, She bent down to pick up the basket. But to Her amazement, there were no fruits in it anymore.

It was filled with gold and precious gemstones. She looked at Krishna, who stood there innocently smiling back at Her.

"This reward is in exchange for loving Me unconditionally." He said in a soft tone.

।। राधे राधे ।। ।। जय श्री राधेकृष्ण ।।

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।। राधे राधे ।।
।। जय श्री राधेकृष्ण ।।

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