The Daughters Of The Manas

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"Oh how I wish I had a daughter as divine as Her!" Kirtidha exclaimed in admiration. "What a magical child! And She is floating in this pond on these glittering lotus flowers."

Kirtidha and Vrishbhanu, Her Husband, came to the nearby pond for Their ritual bath before worship at the temple. They came there everyday without fail, but today a divine and surprising sight caught Their attention.

"Swami, let's take this child home and raise Her as our own daughter. I have always wished for a daughter and today the Lord has finally answered our prayers."

Vrishbhanu couldn't deny the heartfelt request of His Wife. He nodded and lifted the baby in His arms. She was so tiny, with tender hands and soft, rosy soles. Her eyes were closed but She was smiling widely.

There was a shining sign on Her footsoles, signifying Her auspiciousness. Looking at the divine emblem, He said, "Kirtidha, this baby girl is truly divine. She is no ordinary being. We must take Her to Nanda Maharaj and inform Him so that He can find out Her real parents."

Her heart sank at the discovery. But She did not say anything. She nodded in silence and secretly hoped that no one would come and claim the baby.

They took the baby home. Kirtidha tended to Her as Her own child. She fed Her, bathed Her, dressed Her in new clothes and put Her to sleep by singing lullabies. Everything was going well and there was no information about Her real parents.

The couple were extremely happy that the void in their childless life was finally filled through divine intervention. But They wondered how short lived all this would be, since Nanda Maharaj was told about the baby the, and He was already on the search for Her parents.

The advent of the baby had drastically improved and changed Their lives for the good. They were more prosperous and auspicious than before. Her arrival was like the homecoming of Goddess Shree Lakshmi. They were truly blessed and blissful.

But only one concern troubled the parents. The baby had yet not opened Her eyes. It had been weeks. They needed to consult Nanda Maharaj and a learned physician.

"Swami, We will never let Her know that We are Her foster or adoptive parents. We will give Her everything just like real parents. Please go to Nandgaon at once and arrange for Her aid." Kirtidha placed the baby in His arms and persuaded Him to hurry.

The journey from Barsana to Gokul, the capital of Nandgaon, was a long one. But Vrishbhanu had to undertake it for the sake of Their daughter. He left no stone unturned in Her care and protection. He started for the journey immediately, well prepared after arranging everything.

His heart beat in anticipation, unsure of what awaited Him at Gokul. Meanwhile, Kirtidha too felt restless. A mother's heart worries for the wellbeing of her children, and in Her case, She was the apple of Her eye.

After long and tedious hours, Vrishbhanu finally entered Gokul. He could spot Nanda Maharaj's house from a mile away, looking at the magnificence and grandeur.

He sprinted toward the palace, and on the very first step at the entrance, He fainted.


"I am pleased with the devotion of all You sisters

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"I am pleased with the devotion of all You sisters. I bless You to be reborn with Your respective husbands in Your next lives. You shall marry again and be blessed with daughters who would be the Supreme Goddess and Her expansions as the Pancha Moola Prakriti." Lord Brahma granted Them a boon and disappeared.

They were staying at Rishi Agastya's ashrama and undergoing rigorous penance to please Lord Brahma. Kalavati, and Her sisters were the Manas Kanyas, born from the mind, and belonged to Daksha's lineage.

However, Kalavati was abandoned by Her Husband Suchandra, and She took refuge at the sage's ashram along with Her sisters. When the Sanat Kumars were unintentionally disrespected by Them, They felt remorse and regret and wanted to repent for their sins. Determined to make Their lives of some use, They decided to perform austerities.

The seven divine Pitras, had seven mind born daughters. Menavati, who was Kalavati's sister in Her previous birth, was now married to Lord Himavan, the Mountain God. She gave birth to Goddess Parvati. Sunaina was married to King Janaka, and was the Mother of Goddess Sita in the Treta Yuga.

Yashoda, the Wife of Nanda Maharaj was Kalavati's sister in Her previous life. They were not related by birth in this lifetime, but karma bonded Them. And Kalavati was Herself born as Kirtidha.

Kirtidha at the present moment, was consumed by fear when She could not decipher any news of Her Husband and Daughter.

Having reached no conclusion from Her overthinking, She decided to pray and wait patiently for Their return. She couldn't leave the house and travel so far. Besides, She didn't know the route. It was deep through the forest and many dangerous animals lived there.

She glanced at the idol of Lord Vishnu at the shrine of Her home, hoping for a positive sign.

She glanced at the idol of Lord Vishnu at the shrine of Her home, hoping for a positive sign

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।। राधे राधे ।।
।। जय श्री राधेकृष्ण ।।

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