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*Melody Pov*

"Many people are coming here to learn from you about the herbs and medicines." Bess said amazed.

"Well when I retire from this duty, you can teach them everything." I said smiling.

"No Melody! You are great at it and I am myself a student to you all these three years." Bess said shaking her head.

"And you got to know everything. Now you are more than capable than you give yourself credit for." I said and she slowly nodded her head.

"Do not talk to me!" We heard Amy shouting and turned to see Juan pleading her.

"What happened?" I asked her smiling knowing fully well that it is another fight which will not happen for more than few minutes.

"He wants me to cook for him some sweets again." Amy whined.

"But I love them and I want to have them." Juan whined back.

"You shouldn't eat those many. It is ill for you." Bess said.

"That is what the problem is. He doesn't eat them. He just uses them to lure all the guards to train properly. He is getting his way in his work easily but my hands are killing me." Amy said plopping herself in a chair.

"Very bad Juan." I said shaking my head.

"Yes! Very bad Juan." We heard a new voice to see Shan entering the room holding Victor in his hands.

"How dare you to talk to a King's protector like that?" Juan shouted at him.

"I am a Prince Protector so I have every right." Shan replied making all of us look at him in wide shock.

"I shouldn't have been the one that trained you. I gave the same reply to Ronald's Protector." Juan mumbled making us all chuckle.

"I shouldn't even have suggested you for Victor." Juan added.

"But who will be for the new member?" Bess asked placing her hand on my bump.

"Who else?" Kendrick said entering the room along with Bess husband.

"That's generous of you." Bess said smiling.

"Oh please! I am giving a huge duty where he needs to protect my Daughter from everything." Kendrick said brushing her off.

"If!" I added.

"It will be my Daughter and I will name her." He said stubbornly.

"You got to name our Son. So I will name her if." I said smiling.

"Thank the heavens that you didn't name him. Otherwise I didn't know how I would have protected him from it." He said sighing in relief and everyone left the Chamber in a flash.

"I have the perfect name." I whined.

"I already heard that and trust me it is not." He said.

I lay on my bed saying "I hate you."

Everyone had already left so he joined me on our bed and placed an arm around my waist saying "Even if you hate me I will still love you."

With a smile I slid into a deep sleep...

*Kendrick Pov*

"Kendrick!" I heard her whispering and I opened my eyes slowly to see that she is gasping for air and her face is in deep pain.

"It's time!" she whispered and in a flash I rushed out of our Chamber to call for Amy and Bess.

They both leaving their room walked towards us with their husbands trailing behind them. I walked inside our Chamber following Amy and Bess.

"What are you doing Kendrick?" Bess asked frowning.

"What do you think I am doing?" I asked her back and sat beside Melody holding her hand.

"It is.." Melody started saying but I cut her off uttering "Rules are not more important than you."

"Ahh.." She let out a scream when I uttered that making me smile.

I held hand with a tight hold and caressed her head assuring that everything is going to be fine.

After some time, she whispered "If it is going to be a girl then I will be the only one that will choose the name."

"No!" I immediately said shaking my head.

"Then I will not give birth and hold our child inside." She threatened me making me want to pull my hair glancing at the timing she is doing the threatening.

"Ok, ok! Just let me meet our Child. I can't wait anymore." I said in urgency.

"Do you think the child will come out whenever we wish? It will take time." She shouted and then gave a loud scream and then I heard the most melodious faint cry.

"It is a girl." Bess said smiling and started cleaning her.

"Give her to me. She held our son first now I need to hold our Daughter first." I said taking my little princess away from Bess who was about to hand her over to Melody.

"She is beautiful!" I whispered and the tears betrayed me falling out of my eyes.

"And I am jealous." Melody whispered slowly raising up a little to sit beside me.

"Don't be!" I whispered and glanced at our Princess who is looking at us with half opened eyes.

"Frederica!" Melody whispered and she cried.

"See even she doesn't like that name." I stated smiling at my Princess who is going to be on my side.

"No that is her name and I will not change it for nothing." Melody said stubbornly.

"Father! Is it Hera?" We heard the little boy voice entering the Chamber.

"Hera? Did you choose that name?" Melody asked me shocked.

"Yes! Just think that your Mother has born again." I replied kissing on her forehead.

"Hera is so beautiful." Victor said placing his small hand on her cheek.

"You made him even know the name before me and you purposely made him used to it." Melody accused me folding her hands.

"You will never reject Victor's wish so I had to keep my backup plan if you reject the name I choose." I said pecking her cheek.

"You are a mean husband." She huffed.

"But this mean husband loves you." I said pressing my lips to his.

"Not more than me." She replied.

"You never know." I replied back and sat with our family for some time feeling more than content.


And thats the end....

This is the experiment of mine which i have done to see whether i can write a story which would look atleast a little historic...

Thank you so much guys for giving the support for this one too....

My oter story is still there... I dont know when i will start another one..

But Thanks again....

How is the epilogue?

Comment plz and vote.....

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