Chapter 27

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*Melody Pov*

"So he was trying to make me jealous?" I asked Juan again.

"Yes! I just replied to his question that I once did it to Amy but I never thought he would do it with you." Juan replied.

"Thanks for letting me know." I said ashamed of myself but he was also at fault.

"Can you tell Amy to talk to me?" Juan requested gesturing to Amy who is looking away from us holding my Son.

"I will but you need to help me." I replied.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Today we are moving to new palace right? You need to somehow inform Kendrick like you just got to know the news that I am planning to take a big chamber for myself and place our son in the connecting room to it." I replied.

"He will kill me and you." Juan said shaking his head.

"Then Amy will not marry you." I said.

"Amy will marry me?" He asked smiling.

"Yes! But you need to do this." I replied.

He sighed and left the room while Amy stood before me with a glare. I smiled at her took my Son so that he will not hear her shouts very near.

"When did I tell you that I will marry him?" Amy asked curiously.

"You have to marry him. I gave my promise to Agnes that you will and see now you are going to be wedded." I replied excitingly.

"Don't think about my wedding. First think about your dear husband who is ignoring you for the past one week." She said shaking her head.

"Today that will end and you have to take care of my son today." I said with confidence.

"He will get madder by you." Amy warned.

"I know him! I always know him but I thought to myself that I don't. In more anger his brain shuts to even think a way to avoid me then my problem is solved." I said smiling.

"Hope so." She said shrugging.

I walked outside my room and glanced at Kendrick. By looking at his expression I am sure that Juan informed him everything.

I rushed down the stairs before even he could have a chance to have a conversation with me. I stayed beside Ronald or Fay everytime and finally it was our time to travel for the new palace.

Fay, Amy and I along with my Son sat in the chariot to reach there. They all are going to be there until few days as there will be a celebration in which both the Kingdoms people will be present.

When we walked inside I got mesmerized by the Palace and the décor with which it was even more beautiful.

"Juan! Where is my chamber? I am quite tired and I want to rest." I asked Juan raising my voice a little.

"Oh that! I will show you...." Juan started to say but got cut off when Kendrick threw a glare at him.

"I will show you." Kendrick replied holding my wrist.

I already gave our Son to Amy knowing fully how he will react to my question. He dragged me to the stairs and everyone stared at us in shock except Juan and Amy who were grinning.

I gestured Amy to take care of the little boy who is still looking around with his little side eyes and she nodded smiling.

Kendrick continued to drag me and opening the door he pushed me inside. Then walking inside himself he closed the door bolting it along with fuming.

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