Chapter 20

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*Melody Pov*

I slowly walked towards his chamber main door but not the connecting door. I will stay outside his chamber and after knowing what he wants to say I will return to mine.

Determining that thought I knocked on his door and he opened it few minutes later. I saw that he changed into comfortable clothes.

He moved little back gesturing for me to move inside. I nodded entering against my determination which I made before knocking on the door.

Then I felt him closing the door after I passed him. I turned abruptly around to see that he bolted the door.

Calm down Melody! He will not hurt you. I thought slowly breathing.

"You asked for my presence King..." I couldn't finish my words as I felt his lips on mine.

I didn't expect this in any sense and remaining senses left me when I felt him kissing me slowly. I couldn't help but just stay in my roots in shock.

Releasing me he pressed his forehead to mine while I closed my eyes hiding away from his gaze. I slowly felt his hand on my small bump and then he started caressing it.

"I should have been here the very next day but got stopped because of some duties." He mumbled.

"Duties!" I mumbled myself and walked little away from him.

"Is there anything you want to say to me?" I questioned looking around his chamber for the first time.

It is pretty big and has a bed like mine but only in size. Its work and the extra adding are completely different. There is a small table and many closets. The size of the chamber is also similar to my chamber in Velimar.

"Is your scrutiny finished Melody?" I heard him whisper holding my shoulders.

I moved away from his touch and said "Yes! Now if there is nothing else for you to say I will leave as I am tired."

"I am also tired." He said with a nod.

I nodded back and started walking towards the door but was actually felt dragged with a grip on my hand towards his bed.

"King Kendrick! What are you doing?" I questioned him trying to release myself from his grip.

"I am tired Melody." He repeated.

"Which I have already heard. Please release me so that I can retire to my room." I mumbled when we walked towards his bed.

"Right!" he muttered and made me sit on the bed and he got onto it from other side.

I was about to get up but he stopped me making me lay down. Before I could protest he laid down holding me in his arms.

I stiffened in his arms and started fidgeting but he held be with firm hold and placed his hand on my bump softly.

Feeling that gesture I couldn't move anymore and just laid there in his arms. I waited for few minutes so that when he will fall asleep I can leave.

He fell asleep but the hold was still firm. Hearing his normal breath, I slowly let my stiffness leave me completely.

In the end I actually didn't felt discomfort in his hold and trusted him which I never stopped but this time I wanted to show it a little.

I closed my eyes and started drifting off into sleep placing my hand on his in a way it looked like we are protecting our child together.

I sleep for some time! I thought and completely drifted off.

*Amy Pov*

"Juan! Either talk to me or let me leave your room right this instant." I ordered the man who is standing infront of me protecting his door not making me leave.

"Are you in a mood to listen to me?" he asked still folding his hands and heavens know for how long.

"Sure! Tell me what you want to inform." I replied nodding.

"First tell me do you remember our kisses?" He asked making me look down with both shy and rage.

"What does that have to do with anything?" I questioned him.

"It has everything to do with this. If you were normal girl then I wouldn't have even bothered what you think about me. Now what I want to know is am I different for you?" He replied and I just nodded not being able to lie.

"I reached here as soon as I can but that Connor threw me in a prison. No guard was there to help thinking I am just going to stop a war for which they are hungry for." He started his explanation and I just continued to stare at him in utter shock.

"Then I met Shan two weeks later. I asked him to let Kendrick know about me and it took him two weeks to finish the task. I can't blame the kid as there was strict guarding for Kendrick. When Kendrick got to know about me I asked him to immediately travel to Velimar along with me informing about the situation there." He said sighing leaning on the door.

I just let out a gasp and said "What is with you and Prisons?"

He chuckled but didn't meet my eyes. I rushed towards him and threw my arms around his neck hugging him.

"Forgive me Juan! I was just in anger state and never even thought there must have happened something else. I mean I thought about it at the beginning but each passing day my hurt and anger raised watching Melody's situation. And I got the punishment that I can't talk with anyone except Melody who was not in the state to even talk. I have gone mad in that one month. I took all the anger on you." I explained sobbing still hugging him and he immediately hugged me rubbing my back.

"Shh... now you can utter tons of words to me everyday even by using your lovely taunts." He said chuckling and I chuckled back at him.

"For now I will have to make you shut your mouth though." He added making me frown.

I moved little back to have a glance at him and asked "What? Why?"

"For this!" uttering those two words he planted his lips on mine making me smile into his kiss.

"Did you forgave me?" I asked him placing my head on his chest.

"It is very hard but as I have a very kind heart I did." He replied making me snuggle into his hug more.

*Kendrick Pov*

I know I was sleeping peacefully but then suddenly heard someone muttering "No! You cannot hurt me or my child. If king will know then he will have your heads."

I opened my eyes to see Melody trashing in my hands and then she suddenly muttered "Do not touch me! You have no right to touch me and you cannot harm me."

When I heard those words, I shook her waking her up. She slowly opened her eyes and glanced around the room and then her eyes met mine.

"What are you murmuring melody? Who was hurting you?" I asked her with worry for her.

"No one!" she mumbled releasing herself from my arms.

"Melody!" I called her.

"I need to leave." Uttering she walked inside her room unbolting the connecting door and walked inside her room closing the doors on her behind.

I was about to follow her but I know she may need some time to tell me whatever her nightmare is about. I glanced outside to see it is already morning so I got down from my bed to start the day.


little busy for today....

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