Chapter 16

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*Melody Pov*

"You can rest Melody." Kendrick voice brought me out of my thoughts.

I shook my head and continued to look outside. I heard his sigh and then felt his touch on my hand.

On impulse I pulled it back and closed my eyes. I slowly opened them to look at him under my eyelashes and saw hurt covering his face.

I want to reach his hand and say that it has nothing to with him but the words are not ready to flow from my mouth.

After a long journey we reached Kingdom of Hulind. I sat straight in stiff position while passing the kingdom while Amy placed her hand on mine giving me assurance that everything is fine.

I glanced at Kendrick and saw that he just looked away from me to look outside with still blank look.

When chariot stopped infront of the palace, I started to get down trembling after Amy. At the last step I was about to slip but Kendrick held my hand and placed his other hand on my waist.

I started to move away from his hold but he had the steel grip on me. We both walked towards the palace and started getting on the stairs to reach the door.

I glanced back to see all the little crowd of people which formed staring at us in shock. Maybe because thinking how can Prince bring a enemy to their kingdom.

The doors of the Palace opened and I saw the women whom I felt that day as my Mother-in-law and there is a lady standing beside her glancing at the floor.

"Kendrick! Leave her right now." Her Mother ordered him.

Hearing that I released myself from him and moved back towards Amy holding her hand. She is also terrified hearing that and I can feel it.

"Mother! What happened?" Kendrick asked her with confused tone.

"Didn't you see how our people are looking at you both? Don't you know you shouldn't show your affection in public which involves holding hands?" Queen Fay asked in anger tone.

"Mother! Is that all? I held her because she needs to be careful." Kendrick said politely.

"Why? Can't she even walk this little distance?" His Mother asked looking at me with disappointment.

"She is with child." He replied and immediately both the women looked at me gasping.

I saw that the other lady is still looking at in shock while Queen Fay ushered us inside immediately.

"She needs to rest." Saying that Kendrick walked towards me to hold me while I tried to step back.

"You need not stress about it. She will be shown to her room." Queen Fay said and turned towards the lady.

"Bess! Can you show the Princess her room and tell her the rules she needed to know?" Queen Fay asked and now it's time for me to gasp.

She is Bess? She is the one who was going to be his wife? If not for this marriage then they both would have got married.

I thought I do not care about anyone except my child but it still stung somewhere. No! I need to be strong for my child. With that thought I followed Bess to the first floor and entered a room.

"It is smaller than your previous room Melody." Amy whispered.

"It is enough for me." I said nodding my head.

"I can't believe that I am the one that is showing you the room which was supposed to my room after getting married to Kendrick." Suddenly Bess said making both of us look at her.

Queen!!!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang