Sebastian was already there waiting for me, we greeted each other and passed curt nods to each other.

 We discussed about the deal for a couple of hours and signed the deal, we both stood up from our seats and he extended his hand to me "I am happy to do business with you Mr. Krutz" Sebastian said while passing me a smile "Likewise Mr. Anderson" I shook his hand.

"This calls for celebration Roman, why don't we go have a nice dinner together tonight." I had one more thing to celebrate about, getting her number. but was I going to tell him that? Fuck no. He would never let me live in peace for all I know and anyway he would surely get the confession out of me on his own so I will let him do some work, why make his work easier?

Seb clears his throat to let me know I still haven't answered his question "Sure, why not, I know a restaurant, it is not that far from here and has amazing food, we should meet there Seb."

"Done, just send me the location and let's meet there around 7 pm, shall we?"

"sounds good to me"

My mind again drifts to Asena. Her beautiful blue eyes have been visiting me every day in my sleep, she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

I still can't believe that I get so nervous when I talk to her.

She is beautiful.

 From the very first time I saw her, I could see she was an amazing person, the very moment I laid my eyes on her, I knew she was going to be special, there was just something magical in her ocean blue eyes, and I never thought I would meet her on the streets of New York running like her life depended on it. 

I am thankful that I saw the bracelet, or I would still be moping around or would have been pissed off for no reason.

I returned to my office and sat on my chair, here in the quiet environment, I kept thinking of Asena, her beautiful face kept flashing In front of my eyes.

She has me winded.

I can't seem to function properly around her.

Like asking her for her number.

I almost had passed out due to nervousness when I had asked her that.

I never believed in playing around, I always wanted to give myself to the women I fell in love with.

I don't know what love feels like, but the only thing I am sure of is when I had first seen her, I felt my eyes were blessed. 

Like an angel had graced me with her presence.

And the way she looked at the bracelet, after I had returned it back to her.

I think I need to get checked, because this was no way normal how nervous or fulstered I get around her.

I am grateful that I can keep my face passive, devoid of any emotion.

I glance at my Rolex, it's almost 6 PM, I wonder what she is doing right now, is she thinking about me too? Does she also dream of me? Does she wait for me to enter the café so that she can see me? Because now the highlight of my days are driving to that café and seeing her beautiful smile.

I kept thinking about her when a text message pops on my phone, I quickly pick it up wishing it was her that messaged me but to my displeasure it was Sebastian

Pain in my ass: hey! You going to send me the name and location of the restaurant in this lifetime, or do I need to wait for another lifetime?

me: another one.

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