it sucked, because reggie knew that no matter where he went, he would always be in that stable. he would always feel shane's hands in places that he didn't want them. he would always have shane's face in his memory, and he would always be traumatised. no matter how many days, weeks, months, or years that went by, or no matter how many people he met and spoke to, shane would always be there. just there. in his mind and on his boy and it just fucking sucked. reggie hated it.

"hey, are you all right?" lori asked, seeing the shaking of reggie's hands. she was stood with carl and sophia.

"yeah, i'm all right." reggie lied, nodding his head with a small smile. "are you? must be better now y'all are movin' in."

"we're good, very good. i'll be here if you need anything." lori replied, putting a comforting hand on reggie's arm before walking away, sophia and carl trailing not too far behind her.

reggie ignored the slight pain in his chest, before he continued his walk to the stables. when he reached it, he stood outside. he took a deep breath, trying to remember that he had been in those stables so many times before, and nothing bad had happened to him. he'd had one bad experience in there, and that didn't mean that every other experience from then on was going to be bad. he just had to keep reminding himself of that. so, with a deep breath and a clench of his fist, reggie walked inside the stables, ignoring how his throat felt like it was going to close up.

however, before he could even reach the food, he felt somebody grab him from behind. he startled, his heart almost coming to a stop as he tried to scream, but a large hand threw itself over his mouth, making it almost impossible to breathe, let alone speak. again. reggie tried to fight this time. he kicked his legs and threw his arms around, but it was no use. he was weak, and his body was in pure panic mode. he wanted to scream. he wanted to yell, he wanted to do everything. again, though, the only thing he could do was cry. he tried clawing the large hand over his mouth, but it didn't move. it stayed there.

"stop moving. stop fucking moving!" a hushed voice said, making reggie's eyes widen as he instantly recognised it. shane. "i don't wanna hurt you, yet, but i'm gonna have to if you don't stop!"

reggie couldn't even do anything when shane pulled him out of the barn, his hand still on reggie's mouth until it was replaced with duct tape and his hands were tied up with some kind of rope. he didn't even want to be conscious during that moment. he didn't want to have to experience it awake. he wanted to just drop dead, or he wanted shane to knock him out or something. anything that meant he didn't have to feel what he felt last time. he dragged him into the woods, and that's when reggie saw somebody else, too.

"that's randall. i'm joining his group, going far away from here. the group— your group, it's messed up. i ain't staying with y'all. if i do, i don't even know what i'd do." shane said. reggie looked to his side, and saw that the boy was in fact randall.

"what— what are we doin' to him?" randall asked, looking at shane, before looking back at reggie. reggie could see that randall was very panicked. it wasn't hard to see.

"killing him. can't risk him running his mouth about me to the rest of the group." shane replied, causually. reggie's breaths instantly picked up their pace as he tried to shuffle backward, but shane got him before he could. reggie was panicking so hard.

"h—how are you gonna do that?" randall stuttered, looking at shane. "you gonna do it right here? it's—it's risky, man. i don't—"

shane just grabbed reggie again, as reggie tried to hit him whilst he was dragging him up, but it was no use. they walked further into the woods, or in reggie's case, got dragged further into the woods. he didn't want to cooperate with the walking. he wanted shane to get too annoyed and leave him there or something, but it just wasn't happening. he was scared, he couldn't breathe, his mouth felt like it was dry, and tears wouldn't stop spilling from his eyes because he was just so scared. he was just trying to think so hard, what the fuck did he ever do wrong to deserve this?

PAST LIVES, daryl dixon.Where stories live. Discover now