38 - Islendingadunk (Kieran)

Start from the beginning

Her laughter seemed to relax her. "I don't mind the workouts, but the eating restrictions aren't for me."

"That's my girl," he whispered. As she smiled up at him, he asked. "Can I hold you? Just a hug."

She nodded and stepped back until her shoulders were against him. Despite the request, he hadn't considered where to place his hands. Would it be worse to wrap his arms around her middle over her bare skin or put them lower on her shorts?

As if reading his mind, she entwined their fingers and brought his arms around her to join his hand just over her stomach. The bare skin of his arms rested against her underboob, but she didn't tense up or move them.

"This okay?" he asked.

She looked up and smiled as she nodded. Her head leaned on his shoulder, and she snuggled closer. Six months ago, Kieran would have laughed if someone told him he had a shot with Naomi, but she made it feel like the most natural thing.

The next ten amazing minutes flew by before they had to prepare for the water battle. Despite his nerves, it had been worth every second. Kieran helped her into her life jacket and debated his situation. He didn't have an extra shirt with him, although it wouldn't take that long to dry this one, or he could buy another from the shops. If he'd done that initially, he wouldn't be in this awkward predicament. Part of him feared Naomi's disappointment, and the rest dreaded the whispers and reactions of people questioning how he'd won her attention with his physique.

"Having second thoughts? I'll play fair, I swear."

He took another breath. She had done it despite her asexuality. He closed his eyes and averted his gaze as he slipped off the shirt. He wished he could keep them shut to block out judgemental stares.

"Wow, that's beautiful."

His eyes opened in confusion to catch her studying his tattoo. Leave it to her to distract him with something far more important than his self-consciousness.

"Kay," she muttered, finding the letter hidden in the flowers. Her fingertips brushed his arms, sending a pleasant jolt through him.

He put on the lifejacket and zipped it up quickly. Jake's insistence on telling Naomi left him questioning if this was the ideal time. She wasn't the type to push him for answers, but if he broke down, it could be problematic with an audience. Plus, having Jake there would help, especially with the parts that both enraged Kieran and crushed his heart. He hadn't only lost Katy. He'd lost his life and himself too.

It could have been worse. Imagine if Jake hadn't intervened.

A nervous shudder travelled down his spine. His reality would be so different.

"Can I ask you a question?" Naomi said.


"Was she the one you mentioned with the picnic and the homemade food?"

There was no sense in denying it. "Yeah."

Naomi wrapped her arms around him in a bulky, life preserver hug. He squeezed her tight, hoping that he'd never mess this up. 

A festival volunteer with a long, scraggly beard cleared his throat, and they pulled apart. "Have you taken part in the Islendingadunk before?"

"He hasn't, but it'll be my fifth time."

"A returning warrior, impressive. Here are some rules to keep in mind. Wait until you are both seated before batting your opponent off the pole. You can grip the pipe with your legs for balance. Once your adversary has fallen, you will also jump in the lake as we don't want to see you slip and injure yourself climbing back this way. And, you'll return to the dock using the ladder in the water near the pipe. While the bags are filled with sponges, we will ask you to sign a waiver in case of injury. Any questions?"

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