The way she looks at me, the way she cares for me..

I am obsessed with every bit of it.

Everything about her is mine.

Every. Single. Thing.

We went out of the room.

It looks like it will snow today, so I had already packed up thermal jackets for her.

I covered her up.

The moment we stepped out of the room, we saw that Alex along with other 11 guards were standing in the hall.

(Le author: Amrood baby do you want to open a cricket team?)

I have tightened the security as fuck after that Sanjana incident.

Especially now that I know who she is, no one can be trusted.

"Amrit, can you give me your phone?" My thoughts were interuptted by Heer.


"Your phone Amrit!" She said while sitting in our car.

"Oh sure, my phone is your phone, same thing!" I said while handling her my phone.

"Actually you remember I had collaborated with a brand, so the posts had to be uploaded by 3 P.M. today, like in just half an hour and my Instagram is getting hanged, I don't know why! So I will log in from your Instagram and upload." She said.

"Sure baby."

All the way to home she had been doing just one thing.."blackpink in your areaaa..ayo!"

And..."jihne mera dill luteya..oho..jihne mainu maar sutteya..oho.."

Yes I was forced to say the "oho" part.

We reached home and Rudra called me and said that the bastard who had stolen the diamonds sent by Abhay Singh Rawat finally spoke.

It means I had to go to the basement.

Leaving Heer in this condition...

She was walking slowly in the palace and Maithili (Rameshwaran's daughter) helped her out.

"Heer I would be in my study. If you need anything just call me okay?" I said.

"Maithili take care of her. No mistake would be tolerated." I ordered and went towards my study from where is the secret door leading to my basement.


"Hiii Waffleee, see you are so big now!! I can't pick you up baby.." I said to Waffle as he was jumping when I entered our bedroom.

I sat down and caressed his silky fur.

"You need to get your hair combed baby." I said as I found he was a complete mess.

I went to the washroom and took his comb and started doing my work.

My baby was really enjoying this prince treatment.

After I was done doing it, I picked up Amrit's phone and clicked on "log into existing account" to login mine in it.

After I was done doing it, I picked up Amrit's phone and clicked on "log into existing account" to login mine in it

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