Chapter 13: Happiness

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The news of Issei's solitary victory over Loki rippled through the supernatural world like a raging inferno. Every corner of the mystical realm buzzed with the tale of one lone hero vanquishing one of the most nefarious Gods. There was a wave of satisfaction among the various supernatural factions—the Yokai, the Fallen Angels, and the Angels. They celebrated his remarkable feat, appreciating the eradication of such a malicious threat.

However, not all factions shared this optimism. In the Devil Faction, a cloud of scepticism loomed. Many believed that the Trial's punishment, merely a few weeks prior, had been far too lenient—a mere slap on the wrist. Now, their voices clamoured for a different form of justice: Issei's imprisonment. Their fear was palpable, rooted in the concern that Issei might grow too potent, evolving into a force that could turn on his fellow devils. Amidst the dissent, a few voices rose in his defence, notably the Devil Kings, who vouched for Issei's character and intentions.

Within the hallowed halls of Kuoh Academy, the devils were left astounded. They grappled with the sheer disbelief that Issei had managed to single-handedly overcome Loki, a formidable enemy who had previously required the combined efforts of their peerages and Vali's Khaos Brigade team to defeat. The shock reverberated through their ranks, leaving them awestruck and questioning the very fabric of their understanding of power and capability.


Speaking on the Khaos Brigade, they also had learnt of the news.

Amidst the whispers of the Khaos Brigade, news of the Red Dragon Emperor's exploits reached their ears.

Arthur, filled with admiration and surprise, addressed his team, "Seems like the Red Dragon - I mean Black Dragon Emperor has gotten stronger. Strong enough to take down Loki all by himself."

Bikou, his eyes alight with excitement, exclaimed, "One of these days, I need to fight him!"

Kuroka, her eyes narrowing with interest, purred, "It seems like I may have a potential mate, nyaa," as she licked her lips seductively.

Lefay, her patience wearing thin, questioned Kuroka, annoyance etched on her face, "Do you ever think about anything else besides breeding a new and stronger Nekoshou race?"

Kuroka, unfazed, replied with a playful tone, "Well, there's also Shirone, nyaa."

Bikou, his anger flaring, shouted, "Although I am pissed he killed Fenrir!"

Arthur, ever the provocateur, teased, "I mean, we did steal him from Loki, and Loki just stole him back just like that. I remember Lefay making a ruckus over how he disappeared and went into a panic attack."

Lefay shot back, "Hey!" in protest, defending her previous actions.

During the lively conversation, Vali remained silent, deep in his thoughts.

Vali pondered silently, his fists clenched tightly, "Hyoudou, just how strong have you become?" His mind raced with questions, his curiosity mingling with a touch of concern.


On the other side of the Khaos Brigade, Cao Cao, the leader of the Hero Faction, turned to his glasses-wearing companion, Georg, with a determined glint in his eyes. "Georg, I think it's time to put the plan together," he declared, his voice firm and unwavering.

Georg nodded in acknowledgment. "I'll start the preparations," he replied, his steps purposeful as he walked away, leaving Cao Cao deep in thought.

Seated at a desk, Cao Cao's frustration boiled over. "Red Dragon Emperor, you have become even more troublesome than I thought. Next time we fight, I'll kill you," he seethed, his eyes narrowing as he slammed his fist on the desk. His anger stemmed from their defeat in Kyoto and the relentless growth of their opposition. To make matters worse, they were now being led by an emotionless child for a seemingly pointless cause. Cao Cao had reached his breaking point; it was time to take matters into his own hands.

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