Chapter 4

545 28 3

September 3rd, 1995


The vehicle came to an abrupt stop. I look up from Natasha's shoulder and I recognize this place as where we first landed in America.

"Girls!" Melina calls out as she closes the trunk. I unbuckle my seatbelt and climb out of the car, double checking my pocket for the piece of paper that gave me a sense of security. "Come on hurry up, we gotta go." She gently ushers us towards the plane.

"Wait!! My music box!" I panic, realizing I left it in my room. That was the last thing of my biological mother I had left. "We have to go back please!" I beg Melina.

"There's no time we gotta go now. I'm sorry Y/N." She said, her voice filled with genuine sympathy.

Natasha runs over to me and holds my hand as we walk over to the aircraft. I still get that weird...tingly feeling every time we hold hands...I didn't even realize it until I looked in the reflection of the window that my face was burning red blushing.

I shake off the feeling as best as I can. Natasha, Yelena and I all climb in and Melina shuts the door behind us. "Why isn't dad in the plane?" Natasha asks. A hint of worry in her voice as her mom starts the plane.

Melina was quick so respond. "He's coming baby. He's coming, don't worry." She said in a rush.

Alexei guides Melina to steer the plane out. Then I hear police sirens in the distance.

They found us.

The plane engine whirls as Alexei does his best to take care of the police and S.H.I.E.L.D cars. Gun shots are fired and tires screech outside.

I watch with a worried look as he runs beside us and police cars follow. Alexei jumps on the plane's left wing clinging to the metal tightly.

Bullet's are fired through the window, one hitting Melina at the front. "MOM!!!" Natasha screams.

She groans in pain in the pilot's seat. "I need you up here." She barely manages to say.

Natasha doesn't hesitate and climbs up front into the co-pilot seat. My heart was beating outside of my chest. The blue haired girl takes hold of controlling the aircraft, pulling right and stabilizing it. The wing with Alexei on it smashes into the car window next to us.

The sudden impact causes me to hit my head on the side of the metal next to me. Everything just goes dark as my head pounds in pain.

_ _ _ _ _

I wake up.

My head resting on Natasha's shoulder, and the light from outside of the plane hitting my eyes. I shift around a bit trying to gather myself.

"You're finally awake." Natasha says tears threatening to fall from her worried eyes. She pulls me close tightly.

I sit up a bit and look out the window seeing crystal clear water and islands. I have no clue where we are...but we're definitely not on Ohio anymore.

The plane swiftly lands on a runway. I'm not sure why we're here. Maybe we're not going back to the Red Room Academy? Maybe we were just escaping.

I clutch the locket in my hands that my dear mom gave me. I hated leaving her. I wish I didn't have to leave....

The five of us rush out of the aircraft as soon as it stops. Alexei carries Melina over to a group of men who had a stretcher waiting and ready. She's laid down and carried away, Natasha and Yelena staying by their mother's side.

I was frozen with fear, stopped in my tracks as my eyes were met with him.

Who is he?

Master Dreykov.

I don't even move from where I was standing.

Paralyzed with fear.

"Never let them take your heart..." I hear Melina whisper. Then she was carried and locked away.

"DADDY!!" Yelena screams running towards to Alexei. She repeatedly screams as a guard graps a wrist holding her back.

Natasha springs into action. "Yelena!!" She runs after her.

I follow close behind and another male grabs me by the wrist. All of a sudden. Years, of training from a young child kicks in.

I grab his gun from his holster and don't hesitate to shoot him, and the guard holding Yelena.





Everyone was too stunned to speak. Everyone except all the guards who had guns pointed at me. I run over to Yelena and Natasha. "YA BUDU STRELYAT'." (I WILL SHOOT.) I scream stepping between everyone else and the girls.

Natasha has never seen such a protective side of me. I haven't even seen this protective side of myself...

"DO NOT. TOUCH THEM." I lower my voice from a scream to more of a stern tone. "YA NE BUDU STESNYAT'SYA! YA UB'YU VAS VSEKH!!" (I WON'T HESITATE. I WILL KILL YOU ALL.) I yell.

They knew I was serious too. Seeing as I just shot those 2 over there. Laying on the ground. deep maroon blood seeping out of their heads where the bullet passed through.


"Shhh." I hush Natasha before she can say more.

I glance over at Dreykov who had a dirty satisfied look on his face, meanwhile Alexei was more shocked.

"Y/N. You need to hand me that gun." Alexei says his voice calm as he makes his way towards the three of us.

Whatever courage I had, whatever gave me the guts to make that move. Every ounce of that was gone.

"I don't want to go back there." I beg, tears streaming down my face as my shaky hands grip onto the gun even harder. "I wanna go back to my dad...." I whimpered. The pain in my eyes evident.

Natasha steps in front of both of us. "You can't take her!" She pleads. "She's only six..." Her voice breaking as she says that.

"And you two were even younger." Alexei carefully pries the gun out of my grasp and puts it on safety. He kneels down to our height as both Yelena and I are clinging to Natasha while tears stream down our faces. "You're gonna be alright." He whispers then kisses Yelena's forehead. "You know why it's gonna be alright?" He adds.

All of us are still silent.

"'Cause my girls, and my niece, are the toughest girls in the world. You're gonna take care of each other, okay?" He says in a caring tone.

Out of the corner of my eyes I see 3 men coming towards us holding some sort of syringe.  "And everything, everything's gonna be fine." Alexei whispers.

They inject Nat and Lena with a sedative.

Before the other guard could react I kick him and run. "NO!!" I scream running around the small Cuban airport. I turn back seeing Dreykov signal something, and before I knew it I had a tranquilizer dart in my knock, and everything goes black.

Dreykov's POV

My prized possession.

My beautiful thorny Rose.

Has come back to me.

"That one, she has fire. What was her name?"

"Y/N." Alexei replies.

She's perfect.


I open my eyes.

I'm not sure how long it's been, I think I'm on another airplane. I glance around seeing Natasha hugging her knees in the corner and little Yelena still unconscious on the bench. I get up, my body still slightly weak as I sit next to her.

"What are we gonna do?" I whisper to her.

She wiped her tears and sniffles. "Survive. Stick together. Never let them take our hearts...."

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