Chapter 12

372 16 2

January 22nd, 2015


Let's just say as mad as I get...

I'll never run away from Natasha ever again.

I ended up going back around 6 am when I couldn't sleep all night being too paranoid about a bunch of things. It was 7 am now. Still early in the morning, and honestly I really wanna just sleep.

Yesterday I was just....thinking impulsively.

Because Nat's right, I can't survive on my own. In the real world I'm just a baby. I mean I didn't even pay for my food the only reason I got it for free was because of Isabella. If I went anywhere else then I would have just gone hungry.

And of course....

I had to be the one to apologize first.

"I'm sorry Tasha...."

She pulls me closer into her embrace as we curled up on the couch in our room. "No I'm sorry. Instead of keeping you locked away from everything I should have started teaching you stuff about the real world. I was just scared of how you would react to certain things. I promise, I just want nothing more than for you to be happy, and safe." She gently explained in a softer tone.

"Okay how about we find a compromise then?" I look up at the woman holding me in her arms.

She smiles. "Anything in mind?"

"I'm allowed outside of the Tower now, BUT, I have to go out with one of you guys, and I'm not allowed alone."

"Okay, that wor-"

"And one more thing."

She nods.

"You don't get to keep secrets from me, especially about missions. I deserve to know too, you can't always protect me from this." I say while sitting up to look at natasha.

I could see the visible hesitation in her eyes, clearly she had some secrets she didn't want to tell me. Yet, how can I trust her if she doesn't trust me?


"And one more thing. They're allowed to assign me on missions again. Regardless of who's going, or what you say."

"I have to give approval."

I sigh, as frustration began creeping in, but before I could say anything more she cuts me off.

"Some missions are too dangerous for you, some missions you WILL, stay at the Tower, and help out behind the scenes with Maria. I choose what missions you're allowed on."

"And what if I don't listen?" I cross my arms defiantly.

At this point I think she gave up. "Well then it's whatever." She sighs.

Natasha's POV

I don't even feel like she's my girlfriend anymore, I feel like I'm raising a teenager sometimes.

She ran away, she's defiant, honestly she gives me attitude sometimes, moody, gets upset easily, I just don't know who she is. Maybe I should call her therapist....or better yet mine.


_ _ _ _ _

"Couples Therapy," Tony suggests sipping on a wine glass as he was programming something in his workshop.

I sigh. "I mean maybe that would be the smart choice I guess, I don't know." I shrug leaning against the counter top.

Tony puts his work down turning all his attention towards me. "You two have a broken relationship. Simple. You went years without her, she's still recovering from being brainwashed and controlled, you don't know how to handle it, you guys just need to talk it out professionally, know what needs to be changed, how to trust each other again, what makes you upset, what makes her upset, and compromise."

I chuckle. "Words of the wise from a playboy, I'm impressed."

"Yeah well, Pepper and I have had our own hardships throughout the years. I know how you're feeling." He walk over to the liquor cabinet and pours 2 shot glasses of straight vodka. "Can you handle the heat Romanoff?"

I lightly chuckle before bursting out into laughter. "You do realize vodka is my native drink right? You're on Stark." I smirk as he hands me the glass.


I brush and blow dry my hair in the mirror of the foggy bathroom after showering. I couldn't see very well since the mirror was still blurry from the condensation, but it was enough where I could make out a black figure standing behind me, covering my mouth to where I couldn't breath. I scream at the top of my lungs trying to break free. It's just a dream...

It's just a dream...




"Y/N!! WAKE UP!!"

I jump out of my sleep panting and sweating, my vision blurry, clouded with tears, my hair still soaked from the shower.

Where am I?

Not in bed...

I look around realizing that I was sitting on the bathroom floor, laying in a white robe.

"Hey hey look at me," Nat says softly cupping my cheek. "You're okay, nobody's going to hurt you I promise. You're safe here."

It was her, her touch as soft as being held by a mother as a baby, her voice as soothing as the whistling wind on a breezy spring day.

Yet...It was as if my body acted before my deep down...subconscious..

That's not Nat...

That's a demon taking form of the one I loved.

She's not real.

"Kill." A voice whispers, echoing in the back of my mind.

I grip onto it's hair, dragging it down to the ground, smashing it's head into the hard floor. I run into the bedroom grabbing my knife before attempting to stab the thing multiple times, then everything goes black...

Natasha's POV

Y/N just tried to kill me...?

I'm lucky I had something to knock her out with, otherwise...

What has gotten into her?

I pick her up  bringing her back to her cell downstairs in Bruce's lab. I hate to do this...but I can't let it happen again.

I lay her down on the floor gently before walking out and closing the door.

I wince touching my forehead as blood drips down my arm. least I know she can still fight...

After turning the lights out, I take the elevator up to Dr. Cho's lab/medical bay.

I don't even know half the injuries she just gave me, but my whole body aches...maybe my feelings were hurt more than anything. I know she can't control it, maybe something triggered her? Was it whatever dream she was having when she passed out in the shower?

A nurse notices my forehead and immediately takes me back. They clean my forehead then do an X-ray for any broken or fractured bones.

"A bit of head trauma, a few bruises...nothing broken." Dr. Cho reassures with a smile.

I nod, not showing much gratitude, or any emotions at all.

I feel numb again.

Haven't felt this way in a while...

As if I'm not even here.

Everything I hear, I don't truly hear.

Everything felt, I don't feel.

Where am I?


How can I be home?

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