Chapter 17

286 14 1

TW: Self Harm

May 4th, 2015


"Here," Clint handed me a glass of water and a pill.

I didn't bother looking up at him. "I'm not taking any drugs."

"They're not drugs." Natasha said sitting down on the couch next to me.

"It's just a sleeping pill, it'll help calm you down." Clint added.

I shook my head. "I'm not taking it, you can't force me if I don't want to."

Clint and Nat just exchanged glances, silently speaking with their eyes.

"Alright." Clint said walking away and outside.

There was a long silence in the room, I wasn't speaking, and neither was Natasha.


"Just....don't....okay?" I push her away and hug my knees on the couch, staring at the floor.

Natasha's POV

I don't know what to do anymore.

I truly don't.

Why do I keep pretending? Pretending everything's okay. Pretending I'm not hurting. Pretending I'm not just as mentally Fucked up in the head as her.

I shut the bedroom door.

Everything was spinning.

The room...

The swaying of my body I couldn't control, as if I was loosing balance.

I can't control anything anymore.


I deserve to be hurt.

Everything that happened in the red room....

I deserved it all....

I spotted a knife sitting on the dresser.

Y/N's blade.

I picked it up and without hesitation, allowing the sharp edge to dig into my skin, dig into all the mental and physical wounds I carried, letting it all bleed out peacefully.

Each mark...

Was for...

Every time I was raped by him.

Every time I was yelled at.

Every time I was hit.

Every time I hurt Y/N.

I made one deep cut on my arm, right under my elbow.

That was for leaving Y/N all those years ago.

I could have gone back.

I shouldn't have run.

Why did I run?

The maroon liquid dropped down my arm, down my wrists, dripping onto the carpet below.

For a moment...just a moment I feel peaceful...

My life is finally in control...

Then reality kicks in.

I've never had any control...

The blade slipped from my hands, rattling on the hard floor.

"Why am I not good enough?" I sobbed falling to my knees, wiping my tears on my face with my bloody hands. "I can't do anything right!" I cried out.

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