Chapter 11

551 23 2

January 21st, 2015


Nat just got out of the shower after her mission. Despite me initially being mad at her for not telling me she was going on a mission yesterday, I decided to just try and let it go, for now at least.

I knock on the bathroom door peeking my head in. "You want a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich?" I ask, my eyes wandering down her body towards her ass.

She has a nice ass.

She slips a bra and shirt on turning to me. "Yeah I do, thank you." She turns around with a smile.

I close the bathroom door and peek in one last time.

"Stop staring at my ass!!!"

"OH COME ON YOU HAVE A NICE BUTT!!" I yell back with a chuckle as I hear her laughing.

I make my way to the elevator, then take a few floors to the kitchen and living room. I grab the bread and then peanut butter and strawberry jelly from the fridge before bringing it over to a countertop.

I start humming while placing the two bread slices down on a plate. I use a knife to spread the peanut butter on one slice, and the jelly on the other. I make sure not to toast the bread since Nat likes it not crunchy. I cut the sandwich in half before pouring a glass of milk. "JARVIS ask Nat if she wants strawberry or chocolate milk."

There was a moment of silence.

"Miss Romanoff has said she would like regular milk."

"Alright, plain for you, chocolate for me." I lightly chuckle out loud. I go into a fridge grabbing some chocolate syrup.

Growing up I had Nesquik chocolate milk powder that we'd use to make chocolate milk, but now...Tony being extra of course had to import some fancy chocolate syrup from another country. He's even made homemade chocolate milk with a farm he owns, and honestly never visits is upstate.

I mean we still get milk from there every 5 days or so but he's made it by literally fermenting cacao beans and all of that, LITERALLY from scratch. Which is shocking for a billionaire to do it himself when he can get workers to do it for him. Wait, he didn't do it. He used robots. Okay. Semi-homemade then.

Either way chocolate milk is chocolate milk, you really can't go wrong.

I bring Nat's sandwich and mine back to our floor and set it on a dining table in our small living room.

We all have our own floors. Except me, I asked to just stay with Nat. I don't need my own floor and plus I'd get too lonely and end up sleeping with Natasha anyways.

Our floor has a bedroom, personal office, 2 bathrooms, laundry unit, small living room, and a small personal gym. Oh also a microwave, sink, and mini fridge for drinks and leftovers.

Most of the larger things are on designated floors like the living room has one floor, gaming area of course, bowling alley, HUGE gym that's actually 3 floors and one of the 3 is a swimming pool. The dining hall of course, 2 floors for Bruce's Lab and Tony's workshop, warning, don't go in there if Tony's had a few drinks...

"Thanks sweetheart," she kisses my cheek before sitting down across from me. Her auburn hair still damp from her shower and her eyes just breath taking....and her smile....

I can just feel myself smiling from thinking about her smiling.

She's the best....the best girlfriend, best friend, best partner I could ever ask for.

Except when she's not the best.

Like how overprotective she is.

How she lies to me...

Hides things....

"So how did the mission go?" I ask taking a bite of my PB&J.

She just shrugged. "Good, got the job done and information back to Fury."

I furrow my eyebrows. "That's it? Nothing else? Nothing interesting?"

Natasha sighs. "It's complicated....I'll explain later."

I can't do this anymore.

"WHEN IS LATER!?" I slam my hands on the table, causing the cutlery to rattle a bit on the table, and the drinks swish around in their glasses.


"You don't tell me anything anymore!! What's so complicated about this that I can't know!!!" I practically scream out my emotions. "I'm turning 30 this year I'm not some kid anymore!"

"YES YOU ARE!!" She raises her voice. It's been a while since she's yelled at me like that. "You are!! You are a child!! You don't know anything about the real world! You had years of your life taken away you're still stuck in 1995!! You don't know anything about the real world we were never taught any of this!! When I got out I had to figure it out myself and I'm trying to spare you of any of this nonsense!!!"


She's genuinely not making any sense right now.


Fuck it.

"How am I supposed to find out about the real world if you keep me locked up all day. If I would've known you would have kept me prisoner I would have run away a long time ago."

I push my chair out roughly and walk away. Grabbing a bag and walking to the elevator.

Her voice booms through the room, still angry. "Where are you going?"

"I don't think you need to know that. I'll spare you from all of this nonsense."

_ _ _ _ _


Now where am I gonna go?

These are the only people I know.

Maybe it's a stupid argument...

It is a stupid argument...

But at the same time I want freedom.

I walk through the lobby of the first floor out of the building. As soon as I stepped foot out side an alarm blared. I quickly glance behind me before running as far as my feet will carry me. I almost run into a taxi cab. "SORRY!!" I apologize before running. I turn around and see Steve following close behind.

Steve's POV

"She's fast Nat!! I'm trying to keep up." I say while chasing after the girl.

How is she so fast?

Did they give her serum that made her into another super soldier??

She makes a right turn then just disappears.


I collapse against the roof of the building I just climbed up to avoid Steve from catching me. He's fast...thank god I'm faster.

As the hours pass I climbed down and had a low profile with my hood up as I walked the dark streets. Kinda hungry now...

I walk into a pizza shop I've been to with Nat all the time.

"Ah! My favorite girl!" The owner, Isabella exclaimed wiping her hands and making her way over to me. I lean down letting her kiss my cheek. "Where is Natasha?" The old woman asks in her thick Italian accent.

"Uhh, nothing it's just me today. Forgot my wallet, can you put it on Tony's tab?" I ask walking in following her back to the kitchen.

She hands me 2 boxes, one with 2 cannoli in it, one with a giant slice of pizza. "Just for you Amore, no price."

I gave her a warm smile. "Thank you, you're the best as always."

We embrace each other in a hug before I'm on my way once again. I take my food and sit down on a bench under a lamp post. I got this weird eerie feeling but I do my best to just ignore it.

This is gonna be a long night....

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