Chapter 9

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TW: Light mentions of Sexual Assult

January 12th, 2014


It was like waking up from the longest nightmare of my life.

Everything was blurry as my eyes focused, my head hurts, like a weird tingling feeling in my brain.

I feel myself strangling someone by the neck. I look down, and see Natasha, hearing her call my name.

I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. So many things I want to say but I just can't, as tears simply start streaming down my face as I manage to let go of her neck.

She pulls me into a tight hug crying. "It's okay," she manages to say, her voice soft as she strokes my hair. "I'm here now, I'm here, it's's okay..." she continues repeating comfortingly.

I don't know how long it's been.

I'm old now...

Older at least...

I can barely move my body as if my brain won't let me function properly as I'm being supported by Natasha.

As the hours went by I found myself on a couch wrapped in a blanket as I stare blankly at the window in front of me, lost in thought.

Am I even alive right now?

Am I still just dreaming?

None of this is real...

Nat's not real...

This blanket isn't real...

This place isn't real...

I'm not real...

If all of this was real I'd be back in the red room.

I never left.

I've always been there.

I go down for chemical subjugation and come out in another part of the world in a different time. I don't even know what year it is, or how old am I, or where I am. I could even be in Russia still.

"I's a lot to take in..." Natasha says sitting next to me, cautiously handing me a hot cup of tea.

I shake my head, implying I didn't want it.

There was a long and awkward silence before I finally spoke up. "What year is it?" I ask looking down at the palms of my hands. It's probably been like 2 years, maybe 3...right?

"2014." Natasha replies looking at me with sympathy.

I glance at her as our eyes meet. "20......2014....? What's that....10 years?" I just lost 10 years of my life? I can't even cry right now. It's not that I want to, I just can't. "This doesn't make any sense...." I mumble.

_ _ _ _ _

I lay on my back staring at the ceiling of Natasha's bedroom. She was already asleep, at least I think so. I always would worry about her when we were in the Red Room, she'd stay up most nights and never get any sleep. I hope she's at least getting some rest nowadays.

It's weird, being in the same bed as her. Especially in Different environment. I don't have to be afraid of someone walking in, if the guards ever saw us they'd kill one of us. Either that or...

I don't even want to talk about it.

I remember the first time.

The first time he grabbed me.

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