Chapter 8 - In The darkest Night, There is a Light

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The edge of the city was a mysterious place. It was severely darker than the city despite being only a few metres away from the neon lights. Life didn't survive out there. No one dared step foot outside of town, all would rather face the wrath of the council than be outside the safety of the city. An eternal storm brewed, grumbling with thunder, clouds as black as what lay below it. Dark, ocean water crashed onto the rocky beaches of New Yoke city. Its water blacker than oil.

Stepping out of the safety of the city, you let the salty wind carry your fur. Opening your arms, you took in the scenery with a smile. Out here no one could find you. It was freeing. No chains, no harm, no council. Stepping out onto the slimy rocks, your tail wagged as you let the darkness swallow you.

Twisting to face the orange fox, your eyes shimmered in the dark. Your ears lowered at the sight of the fox. He remained in the city boarders, arms hugging himself to hold in his fears. His tails were hanging limply, ears crest fallen, eyes avoiding your gaze.

"What is it?" you kindly whispered. His eyes met yours. He opened his mouth but closed it. Sympathising with the fox, you stand in front of the fox. You give him a soft smile, "Is it the dark?" He shook his head. Starring into the darkness of the ocean, he gulped. Rubbing his arms, he lowered his head, ashamed of his weakness.

Grabbing onto his hands, you gently pulled them free from his arms. Slowly and cautiously, you led him out of the city and into the freedom of the rocky beach. His muscles tensed but he gave no resistance. Stumbling over the uneven surface, you helped him to adjust to the slippery surfaces.

Stopping at the edge of the beach, were the water lapped at the rocks, you gazed into Nine's eyes. Motioning your head to the side, you pointed towards a circular building not to far from where you both stood. He stared at the building in confusion, still tense with fear. Eyes adjusted to the dark, you saw his ears fall when he noticed the distance.

Gently tugging on his arm you brought his attention back to you. You gave him as soft grin as you patiently led him toward your desired location.

"I won't let you fall," you whispered, holding his hands with your own. Watching every step he took, his metal tails constantly jumped out, ready to save himself at any moment.

"How do I know THAT?" he yelled as his foot slipped under him. His tails lunged to save him by sticking into the stones. But before they could even completely untuck from around his two tails, you pulled him into your side, you metal arm doing most of the lifting. It stung, your metal arm, pinching into your skin as sudden weight was pulled onto it.

Ignoring the sharp feeling, you chuckled at Nine as he stood shook, "Now you know." Grinning at your response, you resumed your journey to the abandoned building, tugging Nine along.

It took a decent time to reach the entrance of the building. You had to continuously save Nine as he kept falling. At a certain point it appeared intentional, like no one can fall that much. Tail wagging in excitement, you let go of one of Nines hands, and pushed the broken wooden door open. Glancing back at Nine, you laughed at his confused face.

With a swift pull, you swiftly dragged the fox up the circular stairs that twirled up the building. Nine's feet struggled to keep up, his metal tails having to assist him.

"Slow down," he barked, leaning forward to keep his arm attached as you raced up the set of stairs. Ears deaf to his comment, you reached the top of the building in seconds. It was rundown and old. Forgotten to time. It had a huge window that looked out unto the sea, a giant contraption pointing towards the sea.

Letting go of his hand, a cold chill rushing through you the instant you le go, you strolled up to the dirty window. Dragging your hand against the cracked glass, you let your white glove become black as you cleared the window of dust. The black sea became visible as you scrubbed the dirt away.

Crossing his arms, Nine glared at you as you wiped down the glass, "What are we doing here?" Turning to face the fox, his eyes shone with curiosity, wondering what was happening in your mind. Trotting back towards him, you bumped his hip with yours. He took a step to the side to catch himself. Chuckling up at him, he glared down at you, amused.

"Be ready to have your mind blown," you claim confidently. Grabbing a switch that sat on the wall, you flicked it up. The mechanism that sat in the middle of the room burst to life. It shone with a warm yellow light. It beamed through the glass and onto the black sea, turning it to a cool blue. The light was brighter than a thousand suns, it beam spreading far and wide of the ocean.

Nine winced under its bright light, fluttering his eyes to adjust to the sudden light. Following its beam of light, his eyes widened at the sight of the blue waters. Walking up to the edge of the building, his blue eyes watched the waves crash against the algae covered rocks. His mouth agape in awe.

Standing next to him, you star down at the deep blue, "One day, I want to travel the world. Pass the sea and find somewhere new." His ears flatten a he glances at you.

"What if there isn't a world to explore?" he uttered, hugging himself as he gazes at the ocean. He searched the waters for answers, wanting to see the unseeable.

"Even if there isn't new land to explore, I still explored the world, because I could determine there is nowhere else to adventure to," you twisted his thoughts, bringing light to a dark question. His ears perked at your answer.

Shaking his head, he stared at you, "I still don't know how you do it."

"The positivity thing?"

"Yeah," he nodded. Blinking, you tear your eyes from the ocean. Drops of tears covered your eyes, but you refused to cry. Blinking away the tears, you take a calming breath.

"I have my demons like anyone else," you sigh, "I'm just good at keeping it locked in its cage."

Nine analyses your face as you speak, ears falling at your sad response. Looking away from you, he ponders.

Are you more alike than he thought?

Rubbing the back of his neck, he drags his fur down as he thinks.

"I'm... I'm not afraid of the dark..." he silently whispers. Your ears jump up, teary eyes gazing at the fox. He meets your eyes, a small smile on his lips. It falls, as he finishes, "Its the unknown."


"I'm suppose to be all smart, know everything at every moment, but when I don't know something it.. scared me," he places his hands on a metal railing that stood in front of the window. Placing your hand over his, you rub the top of his hand with your thumb.

"Thanks for sharing that with me," you smile at him. He swiftly returns it. Happily he glances down at your hand that was holding his. He was content and happy. The walls around his heart beginning to crumble.

Clearing his throat, he took his hands back, leaving your hand alone, "Don't think this makes us friends." He tucked his arms in, eyes closing as he regrated his words. Peeking an eyes open, he relaxes at your unaffected demeanour.

"Of course not, would ever dream of it."

Game of Survival - Nine x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang