Chapter 19 - Forbidden

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The matrass yielded under your weight, its springs creaking as you sat cross legged on your bed. The blankets were unorderly sprawled over the bed, pillows throws all across your room. Your tail curled around your legs, lightly hitting the matrass as it twitched every now and again. Your chin rested in the palm of your metal hand, its elbow pressing against the side of your knee. You other fingers pulled on the fabric of the surrounding blanket.

Feeling a soft electric shock run through you, you switched the weight of your head to your other arm, your metal claws changing with messing with the blankets fabric. Breathing through your nose heavily, you shifted your gaze towards the scar on your arm where wounded flesh met metal. Your ears fell back as you could feel the electricity radiate from the metal to your flesh.

Maybe I should tell him about it.

But would I be a burden if I did?

Nah, I'm sure he wouldn't care.

I'll tell him about it later today.

Nodding in confirmation at your decision, you continued to wait for Rebel and Knucks to emerge from your doorway.

And just like they could read your mind, they entered.

Knucks's arms were tightly crossed against his chest, his hands tightly compressing his arms as he resisted punching something. Rebel was more cool headed, but you could see behind that façade any day. Her eyes were flashing with waves of anger, her wings twitching behind her, fingers tapping her thigh in an uneven tempo with no rhythm.

Ears pressing against your head, you lifted your head while placing your hands in your lap.

"(Y/N), we have come aware that you have been hanging around-" Rouge began, her voice struggling to keep cool.

"That traitorous fox," Knuckles concluded, his eye twitching as he spat out the words as if they were poison. Bitting your lip, you resisted the urge to snap back in Nine's defence. Swallowing a growl, your eyes sharpened at the echidna. "You do remember what he did right? He hurt your!" Huffing out a silenced retort, you rolled your eyes as you gazed to the door of your room.

So close yet so far.

If only you could reach that door and run away from here.

"Calm down Knucks, I'm sure she is fully aware," Rebel lifted an eyebrow at you, challenging you to say different. Jaw clenching, tail flicking, ears flattening further against your head, you glared at the bat threatening to accept that challenge. Her shoulders stiffened, her eyes growing sharp and her arms crossed over her chest. Sighing through her nose, she shook her head at you in disappointment. "Come on (Y/N), you of all Mobians know that dangers of the outside world," her eyes flashed to your metal arm as she spoke. Your arm felt on fire, trauma searing your scarred flesh. Clenching a metal fist, your (e/c) eyes shimmered with sparks of emotion.

"The outside isn't dangerous! I've gone out so many times I know every route to take to avoid patrols, I know where to hide when caught, and I can traverse the city with my eyes closed!" Unable to stop yourself, you lashed at the two with a calm demeanour. But the second your finished, you regretted your words.

"You... WHAT!" Knucks roared, teeth bared as he lit alight with rage. "You went behind our backs even before you met that fox!"

Hissing back, you barked, "His name is NINE!"

"I couldn't care less what his name is, he left us behind and stole that crystal!"

"He has his reasons!"

"And do you know those reasons!" Knucks bellowed, his chest heaving for air as he held in his physical anger. Your ears jumped at his words, your head turning to the side, saddened. " Heis playing you for a fool!"

Nine hadn't told you. But he would. And you knw he would... eventually.

Shaking your head with a snarl, you ignored Knucks as your ears fell.

"This isn't a game (Y/N). He could hurt you, deeper that I think you realise," Rebel whispered, her voice soft as she tried to cool the fire that burned through the room. She extended a hand to press against your shoulder but your shimmied away, your tail curling around yourself as you hid in the shadow of your room. "(Y/N)?" Rebels voice strained, her ears falling.

"Go away," you uttered, sniffling. Your legs pressing themselves against your chest, your arms wrapping around them as you tucked up in a tight ball. "Please."

Pulling her hand back with a exhale, she turned around and made her way towards the exit. Knucks's eyes turned soft, his regret evident by the slump in his shoulders. His mouth opened but then closed. Slowly, he followed after Rebel, closing the door behind the two as they left you along in your room.

With a sniff, you flopped yourself down on your mattress, yanking the blankets over you. As the fabric settled over your body and head, you embraced the darkness that surrounded your senses as you hid under the blanket. Closing your eyes, you felt your eye lashes tickle the edges of your cheeks.

He'll tell me. He'll tell me when he is ready.

Your mind flooded with doubt, questioning everything. Was he just messing with you? Did he truly not care?

Resting your hands on your chest, feeling yourself breathe, you opened your eyes. Sliding the blanket from your face, you sat up. That's when your eyes caught your metal arms. Lifting it in front of your face, you couldn't help but feel a smile grow on your lips.

If he didn't care, he wouldn't have made this for me.

He wouldn't have gone on adventures with me.

He wouldn't have taken me to that town.

Grinning to yourself, your tail began to wag as you jumped to your feet. New found energy rushing through your bones. Doubt washing away from every dusty corner of your mind.

He cares!!

Starring at the door that left to the exit of your room, your heart began to drum with excitement. You were going to see him again. He asked to see you again.

They can't hold me here.

He would never hurt me!

Wrapping your hand around the door handle, your heart fluttered with a love drunk smile.

Forbidding one's feelings just make them burn stronger.

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