Stopping him to leave

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Hiccups pov

All of my friends and a few of Berk suddenly storm out of the great hall following my path. I see my father and mother, the gang and my friends... they all look at me with sympathy, worry and just overall sadness.

I hate the look of it. It's exactly why I didn't tell anyone what I've been through, but they needed to know before they let that poor innocent girl marry me. I've had many marriage proposals already, because I'm 'the dragon whisperer, conqueror, master, prince or whatever else they thought of. But I always declined nicely or respectfully. 

Even Svana... I loved her with every fiber in my body. But that love also told me she was better off without me, I couldn't drag her through all of this? All that has happened, all that I've endured and done.

I wistle loudly for a dragon to hear, like I said I have connections with dragons on a whole new level.

"Haddock" I hear Viggo's voice instead of other people "Who did those things to you?" He asks full of worry. No doubt about my mental health.

"It doesn't matter" I answer back waiting for a dragon to come. A roar in the distance tells me they heard me "What's done is done" I comment looking at my heartbroken friends, I do feel guilty about not telling them everything.

"When? When did all of this happen? Were we there? Should we have seen?!" Cami orders in an emotionless and blanc tone. Heather has tears running down her face rapidly, Ryker looks shocked and in disbelieve my way, same goes for Viggo. Thug just looks extremely pale looking at me like I'm a ghost. Krogan looks ashamed and doesn't meet my eyes, we both know why. Dagur looks hurt and broken by the news. Their friendship and my dragons is all I need, I can live a long life with just that thought. 

"It doesn't matter" I repeat earning a few disagreeing vikings. I know they are upset, confused and angry, but I won't open old wounds to rub salt into them. It's in the past and it stays there. Finally a dragon emergences from the clouds above. A monstrous nightmare lands infront of me closing his eyes while I put my hand on his nose in affection and trust. 

I feel his emotions spilling from his scales. He's afraid and he senses my feelings a little too well. He croons at me and nuzzles my arm deepening our bond. 

"You can't leave... We are friends, cousins" Snotloud says taking a step forward. I still don't know how they can even look me in the eye. I've showed them my biggest weakness, my battle scars. I know vikings should be proud of them because they say a lot about the endurance someone can handle. I never, never told my captors anything they wanted to know. I never faltered and that's also the only reason I haven't tried to end my own life. I can endure a lot.

"I've stayed too long already" I say with authority laced in my voice "Release the poor innocent girl from the contract, the rest I will look into. It may take awhile to find a loophole and a solution for the contract but I can do it. You can give a copy or send it to me later. I'll handle it" I sign already coming up with a plan to cover this contract and make it invalid. 

"The poor innocent girl doesn't want to be set free of the contract" Astrid says with faint tears on her cheek, now that I'm looking closer, everyone outside has tear stains on their cheeks. I just shake my head in disbelieve, didn't she just listen to me?

"She doesn't know what she's signing up for. There will never be love" I reply hoping to let her see my point "She doesn't deserve me, I'm to broken to be fixed. Heather didn't lie Astrid. I should have died a long time ago. Always sacrificing myself for everyone or anyone. And I will do it again in a heartbeat, without a second thought" I honestly answer her ashamed of myself. 

"I'm your betrothed. And I stay your betrothed because I love you" She sincerely tells me taking a few steps forward, towards me. I stand still shocked. My breath stops as I look her in the eye. She just declared she loves me infront of others no less. She's my betrothed? She is supposed to marry me? "And I know you never stopped loving me either. We are betrothed since the day you left Berk. I gave my shield to your father because I never wanted anyone else except for you" She keeps getting closer towards me, she's so close that I can touch her if I wanted to. I shakily breathe out still in shock.

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