6. Agents and Bases

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Chromia, "There are people around so hopefully he will not be foolish enough to attack. But I'd rather not take that chance."

Banacheck, "Right, right, I will guide you to our base. It should be safer there."

The military group rushed to the base being silently followed by the seeker, Thundercracker was not stupid, he would not attack them. He would wait for the right time to do so, also it looks like the Autobots found something interesting. Why should he work more when he could have the Autobots do the work? The seeker followed them hiding his spark signature from them to a dam, a source of energy. A quick search and he learned the place was Hoover dam, used to create electricity that lit up their homes and offices. The technology was very backward in his opinion but then again they were organics so he understood.

Lennox, 'A secret base here? I came here with my wife on a date before.'

Epps, "Major, over there civvies."

Simmons, "Mr Banacheck? These are?"

Banacheck, "Friends, Mr Simmons."

Simmons, "You sure."

Sam, "He is correct. I suppose you are the other team Optimus talked about."

Elita One transformed, "Yes, I am Elita One and you must be Sam. You had him worried."

Sam, "I told him not to worry so much."

Lennox watched a Peter built truck appear, "That's one of you guys too."

Elita, "Allow me to introduce, Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots."

Optimus, "Greetings, I am glad you are safe Sam."

Banacheck could only speak the standard greeting, "Pleasure to meet you and this is the Secretary of Defense, Jhon Keller."

Keller was staring at the metal giants with awe and weariness, "I wish we met under better circumstances."

Optimus nodded, "So do I."

Ron sighed, "And I thought only Uncle Edmund had Cybertronian buddies around them."

Judy huffed, "I blame your side of the family Ron. Sam, are you alright?"

Keller, "Excuse me, who?"

Judy, "Ron's Uncle, he is friends with a few neutrals from their planet."

Optimus was stunned, "What? The neutrals are still alive?"

Ron, "Yes, they told us their story and before you start. That was a choice they made."

Optimus nodded, "Thank you."

Glenn was staring at Sam with worry, "You were sleeping the whole ride."

Maggie, "Yeah, your parents told us you were narcoleptic."

Sam shrugged, "I will live, don't worry."

Before they could say anything else they were attacked by three seekers that appeared in the sky. Turns out, Thundercracker called Starscream after he saw Optimus appear and Skywarp teleported them. Optimus told the humans to take cover inside, not noticing Soundwave who sent one of his cassettes inside as well. Bee and Jazz took their charges inside but Sam held them back and turned to the agents.

Sam looked at Banacheck, "You guys moved the Allspark from it's place, didn't you?"

Banacheck, "Sorry? The what?"

Jazz, "Giant cube with alien markings on it."

Banacheck's eyes lit up in recognition, "They are here for the giant cube."

Bee nodded, :Need to go go.:

Sam, "Take us there. If the Cons get their claws on it, Earth might as well commit planetary suicide. Geocide may be cool in the movies but not in real life."

Miles, "Yeah, we need to get the cube off - planet yesterday."

Simmons, "Right, this way, this way."

An alarm went off, "The generators are not working. We are losing the pressure on NBE - 1. We are losing pressure on NBE - 1."

Miles, "Tell me that's not Megatron, please say so."

Sam, "I think that's asking for too much, Miles."

"NBE - 1 had escaped. NBE - 1 has escaped. Repeat, NBE - 1 has escaped."

Jazz winced hearing a familiar roar, "You lot held Megatron here?"

Simmons asked weakly, "That's his name?"

Banacheck, "There it is. The cube."

Jazz, "Bee! Go get it."

Bumblebee cooed in Cybertronian as he approached the large cube and touched it gently as it started to transform. The humans watched with wide eyes as the large Cube became smaller and smaller and finally it became small enough to be held by humans. Bumblebee chirped and looked at Sam giving the cube to him instead of keeping it. Sam looked at the Cube warily, he could feel the power from the cube while Jazz contacted Prime about it. They left the hanger and met up with the other group and told the soldiers a brief summary of what happened inside the dam. Lennox nodded, Elita had already explained their situation to him and the reason why they had come to Earth in the first place.

Lennox, "We need to move the Cube from here. There is a City up north."

Miles, "If I may interject. Megatron was held by humans inside. How do you think he would react in a City filled with them?"

Lennox winced, "I don't know if we have any other choice."

Sam was looking at the GPS map in Bee's interior, "Wait! What about the old military base?"

Epps, "That might work, major. We would have the home advantage too."

Lennox, "Alright, Epps mark a route to the military base. You, Banacheck, do you have a way to contact HQ base? We will be sitting ducks without air support."

Simmons, "Yes, we have a way to communicate with others. We have been studying their technology as much as we could without triggering a wake up."

Optimus gave a subtle glare at the agent before blinking, "I suggest you contact the air force then. We will need help."

Judy, "Sam, we need to get to a safe place."

Sam shook his head, "Not till we get this away from them. We won't be safe."

Ron, "Don't be stubborn, son. This is a war, not a game."

Sam, "I know Dad and we can't escape from it."

Judy sighed, "Alright but you better return to us, young man. I will find a way to learn necromancy and bring you back only to ground you for eternity."

Sam laughed, "Of course, mom."

Miles, "Don't worry, Judy. I will make sure he is safe."

Bumblebee, :You got a friend in me ~:

Judy, "Go, go and come back safely."

Optimus and Elita were now busy fighting the cons as they cleared a path for Sam to take the Cube. Bumblebee had transformed and with Sam and the cube they were planning on heading to the military base located up North. The human soldiers were fighting alongside the Autobots and taking the Decepticons down. Sam though could hear Primus through the God of Death complaining about his foolish sparklings fighting each other for ridiculous reasons. Sam felt his right eye twitch in annoyance, if he had a problem with them fighting each other he should tell them directly. But no, the Gods would somehow, always get him involved in their problems.

Sam sighed, "Alright, let's do this."

Miles, "Sam, please don't do anything crazy."

Bumblebee, :We got your back.:

Sam nodded, "Yeah, thanks guys."

(To be continued...
Hope you all liked this chapter.
Till next time my lovely readers.)

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