Chapter 44- The Mansion

Start from the beginning

"Fear not..... I won't bite," he quipped with a playful grin as we joined Arabella and Ambrose. It took every ounce of self-control to suppress the urge to confront them immediately. I yearned for justice for Aurora and Alexander. Arabella, in particular, seemed utterly carefree, as if she bore no responsibility for the trauma inflicted upon countless aurors.

Both of them cast brief, uncertain recognizing glances my way, tinged with curiosity. They encouraged us to savor the evening, their words holding no overt threat. Nevertheless, a chill slid down my spine, and the lingering unease in the atmosphere clung to me like a shadow.

Our encounter concluded with Ominis, who remained curt and aloof in his demeanor. I knew it was all part of the charade, yet it didn't prevent a pang of heartache from creeping in. I hoped never to experience such estrangement from him in reality.

"Ominis... I'm truly sorry for everything," I began to speak, seeking feign reconciliation.

"If apologies alone sufficed, Yvaine, we wouldn't require law and order," he retorted icily. "Enjoy the ball, you two, while it still lasts." His gaze, though misty, retained a stern presence that bore an intimidating air.

"Ominis—" I attempted to continue, but Sebastian hurriedly guided me away. Our mission to locate the Orb was pressing, and time was slipping through our fingers. We continued to dance, maintaining appearances and gradually withdrawing, with Sebastian leading the way. We ventured into various corridors, hoping to uncover any leads or clues regarding the relic's whereabouts. As the night wore on, Sebastian's impatience grew palpable.

We decided to take a break from our relentless search and found ourselves in a grand library room, adorned with a magnificent window that offered a breathtaking view of a vast body of water. The moonlight glistened on the water's surface, creating a mesmerizing spectacle.

Suddenly, I felt it—a subtle tremor, so faint that it would go unnoticed by anyone not paying close attention. It seemed to emanate from the wall.

I pressed my hands against the wall, attempting to discern the source of this mysterious vibration.

"What is it, love?" Sebastian inquired.

"I believe I'm sensing the Orb, but I can't quite pinpoint its location," I replied, following the sensation as best as I could. The only source of light was the moon's gentle radiance streaming through the windows, which added to the challenge.

Continuing my search with my hands, I inadvertently stumbled upon a concealed switch hidden beneath a statute of a lion and its paw. Activating the switch revealed a hidden compartment within the wall. There, resting on a pedestal, was the Orb of Tides.

I stared at the Orb, its ancient markings and divine inscriptions covering its slightly transparent surface. The Orb appeared faded and devoid of life.

How could I possibly be the key to unlocking it?

With cautious reverence, I reached out to touch it, and it seemed to respond almost simultaneously with a faint, reactive glow. As my hand made contact, I experienced a surge of energy unlike anything I had ever felt before. It crackled through my entire being, a sensation both excruciating and awe-inspiring.

Sebastian swiftly caught me as I staggered, disoriented by the overwhelming experience.

"Darling, speak to me!" he whispered urgently. As I looked up at him, I thought I saw, for the briefest moment, a faint crimson glint in his eyes.

"I'm fine, just a bit dizzy," I reassured him, trying to steady myself.

"We must return this to the castle and then to my mother," I stated, carefully placing the Orb in a bag for safekeeping.

A Mermaid's Legacy- Sebastian Sallow x MC x Ominis GauntWhere stories live. Discover now