Jk:Fuck wrONg picturre..

-You start giggling-

-You start giggling-

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Jk:This houssee..

"That's not green but I know where you are, I'll pick you up there"

Jk:Thankk you..

-You hang up and start making your way to Jk-

-You go to the subway-

*Junkook why the hell did you drink so much and then get lost..*

-You have arrived at the place-

*Now I have to find Jk and then I can think about how we can get back Inconspicuous*

-You're walking down the street when you see the house Jk took a picture of.-

*Here he must be somewhere... *

-You turn around when you finally see him-

Jk: Oh y/n

"Kookie, there you are.. I'm going to take you home now."

-He just nods-

-You support him under his arm because he can no longer walk properly.-

"How much did you drink and why did you exaggerate so much.."

Jk:I'm glaad..you're here y/n...

"Always kookie somebody has to take care of you"

-You're smiling-

-He starts laughing-

*How do I get him home now? We can't use the subway because I can't walk around with him 'cause he's a drunken celebrity*

-After a short time you realized that you could just take the taxi there he could also be recognized, but not as fast as in the subway, so you decide to take a taxi-

(In the taxi on the way to JK's home)

-You take a taxi with Jk and drive near his house, not exactly to his house, because the taxi driver is not allowed to know where exactly Jk lives, because that could be problematic, after all, he is famous and it could be that the taxi driver recognizes him-

-He suddenly starts to fall asleep-

*The taxi ride is already over, how could he fall asleep so quickly*

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*The taxi ride is already over, how could he fall asleep so quickly*

-You're giggling-

(You're talking to the taxi driver)

Driver:That makes 15000 won

"15000 won!! We only drove 7 minutes"

Driver:Sorry I mean per person

"What kind of scam is this?"

-You don't have time for that now..
so you wake up Jk and you leave it at that and you give him the 30000 won-

(Jk's home)

"Finally here"

-You open the door with the key Jk gave you-

-You bring Jk in and he lies down on the couch on which he falls asleep after 5 minute..

you start smiling because you think it's cute how he sleeps..
You take a piece of paper that says he should call you when he's sober again you put the note on the table next to the couch-

 You take a piece of paper that says he should call you when he's sober again you put the note on the table next to the couch-

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"Damn.. Why do you have to look so good?"

-Your eyes can only focus on Jk, at that moment you suddenly realize that Jk is extremely pretty-

Suddenly, he starts whispering something in his sleep:

Jk:I love you...

*Jk whoever you're dreaming of, she's extremely lucky..

But what's wrong with me, why do I suddenly get so jealous?*

"I should go "

-You leave his house and take the subway back home-

(At your home)

-all the way back you could only think of Jk-

*What's wrong with me, why can't I get him out of my head?*

-You suddenly remember that you must have moved out of this apartment in 2 weeks-

*What am I supposed to do now?
I guess I'll have to get up two and a half hours earlier every day from now on*

-You have received a message-

"Huh, who's that again?"

-You're looking at your phone-

(One unread news)

-You opened the News-





I hope you liked this part, as already mentioned with the other parts I would be very happy about your feedback<3

- EYES DON'T LIE - (Jk x reader) Where stories live. Discover now