Chapter 29

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A couple days pass since then.

The sherriff has been searching around the town for this so called 'suspect', however there's something off about this whole thing. Something isn't right but you can't quite put a finger on it.

Right now, you and 049 are laying on your air mattresses in your room. Kahlan's just out somewhere doing something. Not really important though.

Despite arriving here around 2 weeks ago, you've both never really... talked about anything. And you've been wanting to for a while, but could never find the chance.

But now is a chance. And here you find yourself hesitant to say anything.

You stare at the ceiling with a million thoughts going through your head, but no words coming out of your mouth. However, one good thought to start the conversation comes through. So you take it.

"It's... been a while since we made it out, huh?" You decide to go with.

"Indeed it has." He says, as if relieved. "It's been centuries since my capture to that foundation. It's a little difficult to believe that I'm truly free from that place." He admits.

Despite hearing the 'centuries since my capture', you couldn't help but smile. "We're both free."

"Well... about such things..." He trails off.

You look at him, confusion striking you.

"Do you... know what you're going to do next?" He asks, looking at you.

You pause.

What are you going to do?

Theres no question that you want to get back to your parrents. But how exactly? And where would you need to go? And now that you think of it...

Where ARE you? You could be in a completely diffrent country!

"To find my parrents again. It feels like ages since I've heard their voices." You admit, staring at the ceiling again.

"What about... us?" He gently asks.

You look at him again. "Us?" You echo.

"Well... We're close, are we not?" He asks with absolutly no confidence.

You blink, not really understanding what he means.

Until you did.

Heat rises to your face. "Uhm... I would s-suppose so..." You look away.

"Would that make us... a couple?" He asks, looking at you for conformation.

Even more heat rises to your face.

How does he just... ASK this stuff???

You literally can't stop yourself from stuttering. "Is... t-that what you want?" You manage to say without falling into pieces.

"I've never been in a relationship to this level before... I think it would be a good experience." He sits up.

"Well..." Your embarrassment relaxes, though your face is still red. "Then I guess we are a couple." You also sit up.

"My... I've always enjoyed seeing your flustered behavior." He suddenly admits.

Aaaaaaand now it's back.

You stutter again, causing him to start laughing. "Quit it!"

You pick up your pillow and throw it at him. He's caught by suprise and it hits him right in the mask. He flops over onto the bed.

Now you're both laughing.

"You're such a dork." You say, crossing your arms.

He chuckles at that while sitting back up. "I suppose I am."

You smile. Victory.

He relaxes and sighs. "Hmm?" You hum, seeming that something is on his mind.

"This is the longest break I've ever decided to take from my work. And I mean by my choice, of course." He says.

"How does it feel?" You decide to ask. "To be able to relax for once?" You add.

"Refreshing. Especially since I get to spend some time with you." He looks at you and tilts his head.

Oh god fucking damnit.

You look away, embarrased again as he chuckles. "Oh my god." You say before you flop back into your bed. You cover your face with your hands. "This isn't fair."

He stands up from his bed and walks over and lays down next to you.

You stop, your face still overwhelmed with heat as you look at him beside you. He stares at the ceiling and says nothing, so you look at the ceiling too, removing your hands from your face.

Not too long after, you feel his hand grasp yours.

You look at the intertwined hands. It's still a perfect fit. His fingers intercepted with yours.

He seems more into it than you were, staring intently at the conjoined hands.

You smile at his interest, slightly readjusting to be more comfortable.

This is just want you needed right now.

End of Chapter 29

The old story is finally gone!!!!!


Unexpected love. (SCP-049 x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now