Chapter 13

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The two of you continue down the hallways once more before you find another point of interest. The medical room.

Well, it was more of a interest from 049. He said something about needing more medical equipment anyway.

"Okay." You say, agreeing to go into the room.

049 gave a single nod before opening the door. He walks into the room as you follow.

The room seems to have been ransacked. Everything was opened, thrown to the floor, or just straight up destroyed. However, he did manage to find a couple "untouched" medical equipment he put in his satchel.

Wait, how'd he even fit most of that in there?

049 seems to have catched your confused glance. He tilts his head slightly, but said nothing.

After scavenging for the rest of the items in the room, you both continue on down the weirdly quiet hallways.

Too quiet...

You start to get paranoid. It's not normally this quiet.

"You notice it too, hm?" He randomly says.

"Huh?" You look at him.

"How the hallways are suddenly quiet?" He add.

"Yeah. I do..." You admit

You look behind you. Nothing.

A sharp breath, and a quick reflex causes you be alert.

You felt his hand around your forearm as you were yanked from where you were standing.

You almost trip on yourself. "What-??" You didn't even have time to speak before you saw it.

A black humanoid thing came out if the ground. "What the-?!" You yell before your forearm is being tugged again to get you running.

You run down several rooms before speaking while still jogging. "What was that??"

"I am not quite sure myself... It did not seem friendly though." He spoke.

You both slow down. "Well I guess--"

You look behind you to see black liquid coming out from the wall. Followed by the monster.

You jump in suprise before running, the plague doctor already ahead of you.

That thing can go through fucking walls??

That only pushes you to run faster, catching up with 049.

Several more rooms later, something bad.

A dead end.

"Quickly, over there."

It was a break room. Except the place was in complete ruins. The tables were flipped over on it's side, with trash everywhere around the room. He points to a flipped over table.

You got behind it and sat down, breathing heavily, the doctor quickly joining you.

Seconds felt like days as you both listen out for any noises.

Your breathing calms, but only a little bit.

And that's when you heard deep footsteps.

You took one finale breath, and held it.

The footsteps enter this room.

You cover your mouth with your hand.

God... Your heart is pounding...

Tears prick at your eyes.

Is this really it? Are you going to be mangled into pieces? Like the people back at your cell?

However, to your suprise, the footsteps left the room.

You let go of the breath you were holding, blinking the tears away, wiping them instantly and they fell onto your cheek, and taking in another gasp of breath.

"We need to leave." 049 whisperz as he took your wrist and helps you stand up.

You stand up with a shaky breath. "Yeah..." You agree.

049 silently walked towards the door and opens it, peaking out and looking both ways, before motioning you to follow him.

You did as you were told.

He peers around the corner again, before suddenly turning around, and grabbing your wrist. More alarmed confusion shoots through your body as you basically get dragged across the hallways.

You want to say something, but because of how quiet he was being, you assume it was better if you kept quiet.

You continue to get dragged down a couple rooms, whincing at every noise that you two didn't make, scared of all hell.

First, you run into a fucking peanut shaped thing that cant move if you look at it... and then you run into a gooey monster that can go through walls?

How many monsters are in this place?

"I believe it has left us alone." 049 suddenly comments as the sensation in your wrist releases, granting you freedom to move your hand again.

You lower your arm to the side. "Yaaay..." You say with no energy at all.

Fuck man. This is a lot...

049 looks behind him to see you slowing in your steps. You were looking down, taking in breaths unevenly. Your legs twitch every now and then, whenever you took a step. Your arms couldn't stop moving, from hugging yourself, to gripping your arms. You are restless, scared too.

"Y/n..." He says in a oddly quiet tone. "Are you alright?"

You look up at him. You gave a weak smile. "Does any part if me look alright?" You say back with a small giggle.

"From my perspective, no." He comments.

You gave another weak giggle before you sigh.

"I wouldn't mind finding a room to stop and rest in." He suggests, looking at you for an answer.

Your smile disappears.

Despite the last time you stopped and rested... something told you that it wouldn't happen again... Maybe because his words were more... soothing than before?

"Yes, please."

He gives a single nod, before turning back around and continuing to scan the next rooms.

You try your best to keep up with him, despite your aching legs and tired eyes.

But lucky, after a couple rooms, you managed to find a safe place to rest.

049 scans the room before assuring you that it was safe. It was another generic break room, except this time, it was actually in a good shape.

You end up stumbling over to the couch, and falling onto it, almost passing out instantly.

Some much needed rest, wouldn't you say?

End of Chapter 13

Unexpected love. (SCP-049 x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now