Chapter 1 - Lucas Plan

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Hey what's up guys my name is LSP which stands for Lucas Shawn Parker. I was born on Dec 1, 1994 in Canada. You may be wondering who the hell cares who you are? Right? well all my screaming fans do. Yes, you Guessed it, I'm an international pop star. Well me and my two best friends are, we started our group or what the screaming fans say 'a boy band' when we were 12 years old and of course we took off. It was like a dream came true for us. Especially when they said we get to move to Los Angeles and record an album. At 12 years old all your thinking is your rich lol. Until they throw at you who is going to be your manager aka babysitter. Someone that's going to keep you in line. And all the parents agreed to make my parents the managers of us. So we moved to LA and signed with Interscope records. But now in the present days, we hate being famous and having my stupid money hungry parents as our managers. Because thats all they know. As far as we are concerned we don't have parents. I'm in my junior in high school and dont even have time to be a normal teenager. Let alone have a normal person's life. My best friend's are my rock they always keeps me grounded and down to earth. Without them I would be lost in the fame. Oh yea by the way my best friend's and band mates'names are Reginald logan sanders and Alexander Caleb wilson.

Anyway, I mean we all had girlfriends, even if the paparazzi killed them before we could even get serious about them. but that's as normal as our lives got. Honestly, for me I'm starting to get kind of lonely, I have my best friends in all, but I want a normal boy-girl relationship. Besides all our celebrities friends are all about the fame and fortune, and thats not me. I just want to find a girlfriend that's into regular things to do, instead of impressive things all the time. I want a girl that likes to just chill at the mall and hangout with friends or even just Netflix in cuddle,why can't I find her? Oh yeah, because I'm in the spotlight, how wack is that? Thats all I ask for is a girl that loves me for me. I would give up everything just to be normal again. Go to a normal school and have real normal friends besides Reggie and Alex. Maybe tryout for the football team. I just want to be normal. Then something dinged in my head that can be another hit song right there.

"Hey Luke what's wrong you look down again? Have you been writing? What's wrong?" said Reggie picking up some lyrics and reading them. Looking at Luke like really again. "Hey man, I've been trying to see why I still want this life. I want to be normal again. I just need a break, I don't think I want this life anymore. I already called my aunt Jenna to see if we could go live with her for the rest of our junior and senior year," Alex just looked at me like 'are you serious.' " Dont look at me like that bro. Its what I need right now and you always tell me to follow my dreams and heart. So why you looking like that?" I said in a pleading voice. "I get what you're saying, honestly bro I do but what about me and Alex? What about what we want?" Reggie asked feeling confused.

Just then Alex walked in and said, "what about me?" He looked at Reggie then looked at me with a big smile. Then Reggie said "Luke what's to go live a normal life and wants to drag us with him." Alex looked at Reggie irritated. "Dude, what are you mad about? Not to add to your flame over there but I've been thinking the same thing. I want to be able to actually take a girl out and not have cameras in my face feeling uncomfortable. Seriously Reggie would it be that bad to step away for a while? Our fans will understand." Alex said trying to convince his friend. "Are you guys ready for a normal life, no one catering to your every need, no one cleans up after you, are you ready for that?" Luke and Alex looked at him like he was crazy. "We do that anyway, what do you mean? As they laughed together. "True facts," Riggie said.

"Let's get back to this song, bro it sucked," he said laughing. "It's like you put a bunch of ideas together and wrote" Reggie said. "It's about how I feel about my life right now," Luke said. "I know it needs work, but it has potential. Just let me sing a little of it," I said. "Yea, sure why not, let's hear it?" Reggie said as Luke grabbed his guitar and started playing his melody then he started singing, "🎶

I just want to be normal

I don't want to hear the crowd screaming at me

just want to be normal

So tired of all the girls chasing me

just want to be normal

Tired of paying my parents bills

I just want to be normal

No more flashing lights taking pictures of me

just want to be normal

And not have people taking advantage of me

I just want to be normal

Normal normal normal

I just want to be normal

I don't want to be a puppet with people pulling strings

I just want to be normal

Normal normal normal

Reggie throws some lines in to help,

Normal life ain't that easy, yeah

there are no more lights in your face

And all the girls stop screaming your name

What's so good about being normal

do you really know what comes with that

It means you lose all things you had

but if I can deal with all of that then it should be

Normal normal normal

I just want to be normal 🎶

"Ok Reggie I like the lines you added on to it but we need more verses," Lucas said putting his guitar away.

"Ok, so Luke don't be mad but Alexis invited us to her birthday party and I said yes. She wanted you to sing but I told her that was pushing it," Alex replied. "Why would I go to Alexis birthday when I told her that I never wanted to see her again. After she told everyone that she was fake dating me on national television? The relationship I thought was real, but she used me to get back on top because her career was going down the drain. I'm not going to that manipulative bitches party man she is nothing but a backstabber, that drops her so-called friends and boyfriends to the curb when she gets what she wants," Lucas said. "Lucas man, I know how you feel, but you are always saying that you want to be normal right? Well normal people go to parties. Even if they don't like the person that's hosting it," Reggie and Alex said with a friendly smile that got wide when they saw there friend face. "Fine, I will make an appearance but I'm not talking to the backstabber. I can't believe I fell in love with her. She was my first girlfriend and did me so damn dirty. I loved that girl man, for real and she played me," Luke said thinking back to when he thought his relationship with Alexis was real. "I know man, but you need to show her you've moved on from her stupidity," Alex said giving his best friend a man hug. "Wait! dude what about aunt Jenna?" Reggie asked. "We are in, she said yes, but we are not telling my parents until we get there, because this new album just released and there going to want a tour of it does good," Lucas explained to his friends. "Your parents are going to freak the fuck out when they hear about this," Alex said rolled his eyes. "You parents are going on a trip to India they won't be back in time to do anything and plus Luke's Dad's going to bitch if he has to do a turnaround back on the plane he hates them," Reggie said with a smile. "Your a sick genius you know that. Really sick. But I like it man I'm completely in," Reggie said as they headed towards the party.

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