Part 37

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Y/N's POV:

Kelley and I lazed on our beds for a while once we returned to our hotel rooms. As it began to get dark outside I got up and pulled a black hoodie on as I slipped on some running shoes, just in cases I actually had to bolt.

"You off then?", Kelley asked with a smirk to which I just nodded. "No fucking the day before a game Y/N, we need your energy to win tomorrow", she joked as I lobbed a pillow at her head. 

"I'll be back in the morning", I told her as I texted Alex a quick 'see you soon' message, I slipped my phone and key card into my pocket then headed for the door. "Wish me luck, that one dickhead has had it out for me recently", I smiled at Kelley before leaving.

I walked down the corridor quietly, pulling up my hood as I got into the thankfully empty lift and made my way down. I quietly huffed in annoyance when I spotted a few of our coaching staff gathered in the lobby. I stood behind a tall plant as I planned how to get past them and out of the spinning door.

After a couple minutes thankfully the group of coaches moved on as they walked through to get to the bar. I couldn't drink but they could, I rolled my eyes. As soon as I got the chance I speedily walked through and made my way out of the doors, sighing in relief as I felt the warm air hit me.

Alex's apartment was only a ten minute walk away from the hotel we were staying at, or five minutes if I ran. Out of my excitement I ended up sprinting down to her apartment, I ran up the stairs and knocked at her door, feeling very breathless and thirsty all of a sudden. 

Alex opened the door with a big grin, that faltered slightly as she noticed my breathless and flustered state. "Did you get chased here or something?", she asked worriedly. I shook my head with a laugh as she let me in. 

"I just ran because I couldn't wait to see you", I told her as I caught my breath. She blushed slightly and then pulled me and was about to kiss me but stopped for a second. "Water?", she offered with a humorous tone. I nodded gratefully and she walked over to the fridge to grab me  a cool bottle whilst I tiredly dropped onto one of the couches in her living room.

She curled up next to me and watched with slightly wide eyes as I chugged half the bottle in one go. "Too cold", I whined, slightly regretting it as my entire throat felt frozen. "I'll warm you up", she mumbled as she climbed onto my lap and pressed her lips against mine. I hummed into the kiss happily and she took the opportunity to intertwine our tongues as the kiss deepened. 

"Y/N we have a game tomorrow", she breathed out as I moved to her neck. 

"Don't care, I want you so bad", I groaned into the crook of her neck as I felt her hands tugging at the hem of my hoodie. I leaned back for a couple of seconds as I pulled it over my head, along with my t shirt. She sat back for a second, biting her lip as she admired my upper body that was only clad in a bra at this point.

I felt myself redden with her gaze and I quickly moved to undress her as well so balance things out. I slowly pulled her shirt off and peppered kisses along her collar bone whilst she moaned quietly, gripping the back of my neck so I couldn't pull away any time soon. 

I was quick to notice her grinding on my leg slightly, I smiled into our kiss as our lips found each other once more, whilst my fingers found the top hem of her jeans and undid the button and zip. I slid my hand inside as she whimpered in my ear, "god you're so wet", I groaned. "Only for you", she purred in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

I picked her up and placed her where I was sat on the couch as I knelt down in front of her and pulled off her jeans. She widened her legs with a shy smile and I wasted no time in kissing her inner thighs whilst she moaned into a pillow. After her quiet begging I moved from her thighs to her core, I placed a few soft kisses over her lace underwear and then felt her fingers tugging at my hair as I looked up to see her eyes on me.

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