No one had a response. "Now, I'm going to go in there and see what I can do to help. If you all were any kind of heros, you'd find a way to do the same."

He brushed past the others and went into the lab.

Norman approached the two teenagers. He realized that technically there were three of you counted the lizard one.

"Why isn't he changing back? The effects are temporary."

Peter glanced up, grateful that someone else who understood this so well was here. "He ate the whole supply at once. So I don't know when or even if he'll revert on his own."

Norman nodded. "Too many variables in the equation to be sure" he gave Peter a sideways look. "How on earth did you survive?"

Shuri smirked. "I made the cage using a vibrainium specific technique. It is stored in a smaller form and expands to envelope the target."

"Very useful" Norman commented.

Shuri glanced at Peter. "Honestly, I hate to admit it, but I don't think either of us would have survived if Peter hadn't already taken a dose of the gas himself."

Norman eyed Peter sharply. "You used it?" his voice was quiet but he was clearly somewhat afraid and angry.

"Well...kind of" Peter replied, which was sort of true and a lie.

Norman regained his composure. "How did you manage to maintain control over that form?" he pointed at the lizard.

Shuri looked at Norman with a confused expression. "He wasn't like the Thompson boy at all. He looked perfectly normal. In fact he was more agile than the other one. I thought this was a bad reaction, like an allergy?" she looked at Peter.

Peter knew he was screwed. He'd need a cosmic miracle to get out of this explanation.

Then the door opened. Tony strode in, ignoring the Lizard and Peter blatantly. "Princess, your family is here. Along with half the UN. It's time for the meeting."

T'Challa was waiting for the Avengers in the oversized assembly room. Stark had clearly gone all out to tailor the space for this occasion.

When at last the Avengers entered the chamber he spotted Shuri and went to check on her.

"Are you alright?"

She nodded. "Luckily" she glanced at Peter, who'd entered last and looked like he wanted to be anywhere else in the universe.

Shuri saw T'Challa watching Peter and shook her head. "Don't blame Peter. I have the feeling that he'll do that enough on his own. Not to mention the other Avengers doing it for him."

Then T'Challa saw another face of significance. "That's her, next to the Parker child, isn't it?"

Shuri glanced over to see Wanda sticking incredibly close to Peter. "Yes, I believe so."

"She looks frightened."

"That explains why she's so close to him. I'd stick close to him too in her shoes."

T'Challa looked puzzled. "What can that boy do to protect her that she cannot do for herself?"

"That isn't exactly what I meant, brother. But after what I saw today..." she considered how Peter had been accused of faking the enhancement and then how Dr. Osborn had claimed that the gas should have changed Peter. "Let's just say that nothing would truly surprise me about that boy."

T'Challa watched as his father took the podium. Listening as he spoke.

"I welcome all of you today. The reason we are here is very tragic. But we may come through it better and stronger than ever before. I know you who posses remarkable abilities are just as scared as those without. But people like you must not be allowed to run rampant. We must be held responsible."

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