Twenty-four (Epilogue)

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~ Seven years later
Pov Erik
"Do you have everything?" Wille looks at me questioningly. I point to my backpack and nod, grinning. "Don't look like that" "How do I look?" "Well" he imitates my annoyed grin. "Can't I be happy?!" I look at him with exaggerated reproach. "He hasn't even said yes yet." "He will anyway" I answer.

"And why should he?" "You are Wille, he is Simon" I lean back. "Great reason" "It is. I don't have to say anything else" after a short pause I say: "Besides, you've been called the dream couple of the generation in all sorts of newspapers for several years, if that's not a reason, I don't know either. You..."

"Shut up, he'll be back" I watch, grinning, as Simon sits next to Wille and takes his hand. I'm not exaggerating when I say that I've never seen a cuter couple.

We're going on vacation together again and are currently on the plane. Since the two of them have been together, we've taken Simon with us more often because it's quite fun to be with him anyway.

He is such a kind and loving person. Sometimes I really wonder how there can be people who don't like him. They always come with the comment:

"I don't like him because he’s gay"

Bro, does he look like he could do something about it? No.

Wille thinks that I do the big brother role pretty well, including with Simon. He first noticed this after Simon talked about his grandma and I then asked for his phone and texted her a somewhat unfriendly message. But ultimately I can't help it.

Nobody hurts my little brothers.

We spend the next few days on the beach, in the house, in the city and back on the beach. One evening Wille says to me: "I want to do it tomorrow. In the bay. You know which one?" I nod. Simon took a nap two days earlier and the two of us went exploring the area. Shortly before we returned, we discovered an incredibly beautiful and not much visited bay.

"Can you help me?" he looks at me questioningly. I nod again. "Sure I can" he explains to me briefly and succinctly what I should do and then everything is sorted out. He wants to make it as simple and beautiful as possible.

The next day we go where we always go. In the afternoon we finally drive to the bay. Neither of us told Simon where we were going. His excitement is even greater when he sees the turquoise water. I put our stuff between some rocks. Then we go into the water together.

We swim, submerge each other, jump off rocks and just have fun. At some point everyone is pretty exhausted, so we go back to our things. Simon briefly drinks some water and then slowly strolls along the water. Wille looks first at him, then at me.

I reach into a compartment in my backpack that is specifically for valuables and pull out a small box. "Thank you" he gives me a wet kiss on the cheek, puts the box in a pocket in his swimming trunks, which are now almost dry again. I have no idea how he did it. I sit on the sand and watch the two of them.

They go on hand in hand. Sometimes they really remind me of Nick and Charlie from Heartstopper, just don't ask. They're so far away now that I definitely can't hear them anymore, but I can still see them. For some reason I'm excited. At that moment the two stop and Wille falls to his knees. A short time later, Simon nods, pulls him up and they kiss. Cute.

Pov Simon
I'm lying snuggled up in my fiancé's arms. It's so unusual to say that, but also so beautiful. It's actually still pretty early in the evening, but we should still sleep now because we have to leave pretty early tomorrow, Wille and Erik have a meeting, that's why. But now on the subject of sleep, honestly, I probably won't sleep a wink.

"I have to do something for a moment" I take my phone and call mom. Wille knows exactly why I'm doing this and grins because of it. "Hey" "Hi mom" I smile. She's apparently cooking. "How was your day?" She briefly looks towards the camera. "Exciting and beautiful" "How can I understand that?" she seems slightly confused. "I'll just show you something" "Okay" she says slowly.

I take the ring from the bedside table, put it on my finger and proudly show it to her. I love the look on her face. "Mi Amor" she's sobbing and that's kind of funny. "Congratulations" she smiles. We talk for a few more minutes and then she hangs up.

Wille wraps his arms tightly around me. "Forever?" "Forever." He kisses my neck with a grin. "Please just don't give a hickey. I already have two, I don't need a third" he pulls away from me, thinks for a moment, then says: "A third would look great" and gets to work.

I love him.
I love him so much.
And that, without a doubt, forever.


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