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"Wilhelm, you should go change. The first guests will be arriving soon" I nod. "I'll do it straight away" "Good" she smiles and closes my room door.

It is evening. Linda slept here last night, but left quite early today because she had to go to another family celebration, unfortunately.

"What did she want?" Simon comes out of the bathroom. His hair is still damp because he took a shower beforehand. "She reminded me again that I should change." "Okay" he takes his phone and puts it in his pocket. "Should I come too?" he looks at me questioningly. "There's going to be some pretty awkward conversations, so you better stay here" "Another reason to come along" he smiles.

"After all, I don't want to put you in the cold shower again." "At least it helps." "Once is still enough" I pull him onto my lap, grinning. "I don't want to go" I bury my head in his sweater. "But you have to" he replies and kisses my hair. "I hate it" "I notice" he laughs.

"Now let's go, otherwise we'll be late" he climbs down from me. I get up, slightly annoyed, and go to my desk. There is a packet of painkillers on it that I have to take for a few more days. Either way, now is the time to take it. So I go into the bathroom with a pill and swallow it with a sip of water.

Then I go to my closet where our suits are hanging. Mom had two prepared in case Simon wanted to come too. I take both out and give one to Simon. I change and Simon has to help me because putting on suit pants is a bit different than putting on sweatpants, but we managed it in the end. My splint doesn't necessarily make the whole outfit any nicer, but if I took it off I would be in so much pain, even with crutches, that my painkillers wouldn't help.

While I'm in the bathroom trying to get my hair in order, Simon is also changing. Before I go back to him, I look in the mirror again. You can still clearly see from my face that I had an accident. A scratch here, a small abrasion there, doesn't look so great now, but in the end I can't change it. I go back out and there he is.

The most beautiful boy in the universe.

The only type of suit I've ever seen him in is the school uniform, but this looks even better. He grins happily at me. "Fits" I hug him. We stand there like that for quite a long time. At some point I slowly let him go again. My hands are on his hips as I look at him, smiling. "You're so beautiful" he visibly blushes. "Thanks. You're also really beautiful" he kisses me.

Pov Simon
"Finally" Wille's parents are standing in the middle of the large hall and until now they were engrossed in a conversation with Jan-Olof. Kristina first adjusts Wille's suit and does the same to me. "Always smile nicely, don't answer any questions about your relationship and please don't make out unnecessarily" she briefly summarized the rules again. "And please behave yourself otherwise" Wille and I nod at the same time. "Good, then we can get started."

A few minutes later there are already quite a few people there. Wille greets everyone who walks past us in a friendly way, I do the same because otherwise it would be a bit too awkward. Wille holds my hand the whole time, sometimes tighter, sometimes a little looser, depending on who is near us at the time.

"My knee is already hurting badly" he whispers in my ear. "We can go back now. After all, we were here, so no one can blame us" he nods. "You're the best" "I know" I say full of self-confidence. He laughs, shaking his head. At that moment a girl comes towards us.

She is about the same age as us, has blonde hair and light blue eyes that stand out because of their special color. "Hey Wille" she hugs him smiling. "Hi" she looks at me. "Are you introducing us?" he nods. "Emma, ​​this is Simon, my boyfriend. Simon, this is Emma, ​​an old friend of mine." "I'm glad" she shakes my hand. I smile at her kindly. Wille seems to feel most comfortable with her so far, which makes me happy because he is no longer so tense.

"So my chance is officially over?" Wille nods. "You don't have a chance anymore" he kisses me demonstratively on the forehead. "Sad." She laughs and just looks at us for a while. "You fit together really well" she states. "Thank you" she hugs Wille again. "Maybe we'll see each other again today." She just shakes my hand again, but that's enough. "Bye"

In the next few minutes we have so many unpleasant conversations that we eventually go back into the room. We actually wanted to go earlier, but then Wille's pain got better and we just stayed a little longer. But honestly, I think there were even people who were happy that we were there together after all.

"We did it" Wille grins proudly at me. "We did it" I repeat and hug him. "I'm proud of you" I whisper in his ear. "I'm also proud of you. You were really good for your first, somewhat public appearance" he kisses me. "Then I hope for our sake that it’s the same for the next ones" I say with a grin.

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