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Pov Wilhelm
"Wille" Simon quickly comes to me and sits on the floor next to me. "I'm here, everything's fine" he pulls me into a tight hug. My whole body is shaking from a mix of pain, freezing, crying and definitely not enough oxygen. I don't know why that happened, I have no idea. But suddenly it all became too much. Everything.

I try to breathe, but I can't really breathe. It hurts. I can't tell if it's from some kind of injury, from the accident, or if it's just panic or something else. But I would really like to know because I would be very interested in being able to breathe properly again. Simon kisses me long on the forehead and then hugs me again. It feels really good right now. He feels good. But I still can't really calm down.

I look at the door where a doctor is standing. He's talking to Simon, I'm so busy breathing that I don't really hear what they're saying.

A short time later, Simon begins to carefully pull my shirt over my head. Then the doctor and a nurse come and they remove my splint on my knee and support my knee. And before I know it, I'm sitting under a stream of really cold water.

Actually, I would have hurled all sorts of insults at everyone involved, but I can't because I'm far too weak. But at least now I know why they do it.

I told Simon during my first or second panic attack, in which he was present, that sometimes it helps me calm down if I take an really cold bath or, well, shower. And it looks like it's helping again. Just the fact that it came to mind is proof enough. Simon holds my hand the whole time, probably to calm himself down a bit, which I find cute for some reason.

After a while, I have no idea how long, I look at Simon. He understands and turns off the water. I can't say more than a quiet "Thank you" in his direction at the moment, but that's enough. He smiles at me with relief and hugs me again. He clearly doesn't care that I'm wet and freezing cold.

The nurse gets up and returns a short time later with two large, white, dry towels. First my knee is dried so that they want to see it back in the splint as quickly as possible. Then I'm dried off and the doctor puts my splint back on. I still can't breathe very well, but it's gotten better, at least a little bit. Simon helps me get dressed again.

Afterwards they help me up and I support myself on them all the way to my bed. And as soon as I sit on it, an oxygen mask is put on me. After a few minutes, breathing is pretty good again and the dizziness and headache that I still had, despite calming down, go away.

It has now been over an hour. I'm slowly able to breathe well again without an oxygen mask. "Simon?" I look at my boyfriend. He lies next to me on my bed and has an arm around my stomach. "Yes?" he looks at me questioningly. "Why do you always help me with panic attacks and all that other stuff?" "Why shouldn't I?" he gets up.

"But you can't tell me it's pleasant to see me like this" "Did I say it is? But seriously. It's not really pleasant, but it would be pretty shitty to see you in situations like this and I wouldn't help you, after all I'm your boyfriend" he smiles at me.

"Besides, I love you, despite everything"

I stare at him. "Why are you looking like that?" he asks confused. "You just said it for the first time" I say. "What?" You can literally see in his eyes how his brain is rattling. "Ou f-" "Say it again" I grin. "No" "Say it" "Well" he sits down correctly, takes my hand and looks into my eyes. The look in his eyes really makes you think he's staring into your soul, but it's cute.

"I love you"

he says, loud and clear, as if he wants to make sure I understand it correctly. I put my hand on his cheek and say with a grin,

"I love you too"

After a few minutes of silence in which we just look at each other, I say, beaming,

"I love you so much"

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