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“Right now you just have to concentrate on yourself” is how a nurse tries to calm me down. "But I can't concentrate on myself if I don't know how he's doing." After a few seconds of silence, someone finally says:

"He's currently undergoing surgery." 

Somehow it calms me down and somehow it doesn't. What if something goes wrong?

"Do you feel any pain?" one of the doctors looks at me questioningly. "Head, stomach, back, right knee, right hand, those were the worst, the rest of the body hurts like hell too but still not that bad" I hold my hand in front of my eyes. "And it's way too bright in here"

"Light sensitivity, I understand" he writes something down. It just feels like I'm going to pass out again. Since right after the accident, I've probably fainted four to six times, which is really unpleasant. “He’s getting a CT scan right away.”

Pov Simon
I've calmed down a bit now. Ayub and Rosh both had to go home beforehand, unfortunately. I would like to have them with me now, but whatever. Mom has cooked and is now putting a full plate in front of me. “Maybe you’ll feel better later” she smiles. "Thank you" I'm just about to start eating when I get a message.

- I'm just texting you now because I don't know if I can get everything together while talking on the phone. So, Wilhelm (please just imagine the prince, I'm too lazy to write that down everywhere) is approachable and he's doing well so far. He asked me to text you about everything he has. Wilhelm has a severe concussion, a few bruised ribs, his right wrist is sprained, he also has a hematoma on his stomach that needs to be monitored and a broken kneecap in his right knee. Because of the concussion he needs rest, which is probably why he doesn't text you often or respond. If it's something important, just text me. He doesn't need to have an operation on his knee, but he does need to rest it for about six to seven weeks and, if possible, not put any strain on it, but depending on how well it heals, it can put a strain on it after just a few days, which makes him very happy, you know him. In any case, right now he's lying in his bed, pumped full of painkillers, sleeping. He'll probably have to stay here for a few days, I don't know more. And I haven't asked yet if you can go to him, sorry, but I'll do it now.

~ How is Erik?

- I'm not allowed to tell you anything, but I'm going to do it anyway. His Royal Highness has fairly serious internal injuries and required surgery. He is currently in an induced coma to recover better.

~ Okay, thank you

"Is something wrong?" Mom looks at me questioningly. "I give her my phone. She scans the messages and hands it back to me. "I'm still scared as fuck" I say, after a few minutes of silence. "They'll recover, please just don't worry too much" she puts an arm around me.

"Did someone told you or have you read what caused the accident?" I shake my head. "No" "According to the news, the other driver was drunk" she says slowly. "Great" I let me backwards fall on the the couch. "When will people finally understand that that's not how you drive? Wille and Erik could have died!" after a short pause I say softly: "They could still... die". Mom hugs me tightly. "Mi Amor, I don't know either. People are just stupid." She presses a kiss on my cheek. At that moment the doorbell rings.

Mom gets up and opens the door. She takes a step back in surprise when she sees who is standing there. "Can I speak to Simon for a moment?" I hear a woman's voice say. No, not her. Mom turns to me questioningly. I wave my hand to make it clear to her that I'm not here. “He’s not home right now” Mom answers. "I'm not stupid. Linda, please let me talk to him for a moment." "He. isn't. there." Mom tries to explain to her. "He's my grandson. I have the right to talk to him at any time."

Grandma pushes Mom aside. "He doesn't want to talk to you, is that so hard to understand?!" Mom says annoyed. "Simon, my darling, there you are" she comes to me and pulls me into a hug without being asked.

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