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We go outside side by side. A few meters from the entrance there are two cars. Wille's brother leans against the hood of one car and grins at us. "Wille, Simon" he comes up and we go down. Wille hugs him. After they have separated again, he looks at me. 

"Erik" he stretches his hand out to me. "Simon" I smile. He looks around and then hugs me briefly. "How are you?" he looks from me to Wille and back again. "Could be better" "I believe you" Erik puts one arm around Wille and the other around me. 

"I'll bring him back to you, hopefully without a statement" he says, smiling in my direction. "And we try to go on Mom's nerves like we used to, until she leaves you alone" he says to Wille. He nods. 

After Erik let go of us and sat in the car, I try to calm Wille down a bit. I have no idea if it will work, but I can try it. As we say goodbye, Wille pulls me into a tight hug. "Bye" "Bye" he kisses me, briefly and inconspicuously, on the neck. 

If I had known what was going to happen then, I would have enjoyed it even more and memorized every little detail. But since I didn't know it at the time, I enjoyed it as much as ever. 

Pov Wilhelm
"I don't want to go home" I say as soon as we drive off. "I can understand it. But we have to go through it now" "I know" I lean back in my seat a bit. "The last time we drove together like this, I didn't want to go to the Hillerska" I look up and watch the trees, which just fly by while driving. "And now I don't want to go back home" I smile. 

"He's really very important to you, isn't he?" "You're coming to that conclusion really early" I reply, grinning. "I noticed that much earlier, I just didn't say it" he laughs. 

For the rest of the drive he talks to me about Simon, which is really annoying, but somehow also nice because he doesn't mention anything really negative, not like mom. That's why I love him more than anything else. 

"Where are you driving to?" I look at him questioningly. He took an exit earlier than he should have. "I have to get something" he replies and grins. "I don't want to know" I laugh. I really trust Erik to do a lot, a lot, which is why I noticed years ago that I would ideally not question his actions. 

He pulls into a supermarket parking lot. After parking in the middle of a few free parking spaces and the car with the bodyguards next to it, he gets out and looks at me. I understand pretty quickly what he means and get out as well. 

"I don't suppose you want to wait here?" "No" I shake my head. "Well then" he walks over to the other car and speaks briefly to those in it. From what I know there should be four in total. 

I was right. Malin and two men get out, I actually know their names, but I can't think of them right now. The driver stays seated, he probably has to watch out for Erik's car. By the way, Erik now comes to me and puts his hand on my shoulder. "Come" I nod and we walk towards the entrance. 

"Oh, I haven't told you my conclusion about Simon yet" he says as we enter. "Aha. And that would be?" I look at him questioningly. "You have a crush on him head over heels" he whispers in my direction, since you never know who's listening when you're out in public. "That's..." "And don't deny it. Because firstly, I have eyes in my head, secondly, I know you very well, thirdly, it's obvious to me" he interrupts me. "Aha" I say again, unimpressed. 

"Tell me Erik, is it possible that your only hobby at the moment is to ship me with Simon?" "Maybe" he grins. "But you're just so cute together, there's no getting around it." He pauses for a moment. "Except Mom" "That's right" I agree with him. 

"What do you actually need from here?" I speak a little louder again, still so quietly that people don't understand us, but whispering becomes exhausting in the long run. "On my list of things someone would have to buy for me, there have been a few snacks for weeks, which, funnily enough, are always overlooked, mom probably said something to them, like, 'Please don't buy that, it just says by mistake', I would put it past her. And since I'm still interested in it, I'll just buy it myself." "It's not the first time" "No, definitely not" he grins and shakes his head. 

"Do you remember when you once forced Jan-Olof to get us an ice cream?" "Oh yes, that was so fun" he laughs. We have now arrived where Erik wanted to be. He takes a few things from the rack, puts them in my hand and when he realizes that I can't take much more, he takes a few more himself.

We're going to the checkout like this and so many people are staring at us, which is kind of funny. The cashier also seems a bit overwhelmed with the whole situation. We used to do it on purpose and then afterwards make fun of the people who stared at us like that. Erik pays, says thank you and then walks out next to me. He puts the bag in the trunk and we get in. For the last few minutes, we analyze the looks of people we've met and both of whom we remember. 

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