Chapter 14: Controlling Both Mind and Body

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"Speech Thought"

"Internal Thought

"Kyubi Speech"

"Kyubi Thought"

After Naruto passed out during their training, Sakura and Sasuke carried his unconscious form to his place. As they arrived at his apartment building, Sasuke carried his body up the stairs with Sakura, following behind who was carrying his bug out bag. Fishing his spare key from his hiding place that Sasuke told her about Sakura then opened the door to his apartment. Sasuke then laid Naruto on his couch while Sakura took his belongings to his room.

Looking around, she was curious as this had been the first time she'd seen the inside of Naruto's apartment. It was kind of cramped compared to her house. Altogether, it wasn't much bigger than her room with the kitchen included. Their were two other doors of witch she assumed lead to the bathroom and a broom closet. The place was understandably covered in a thick layer of dust due to lack of maintenance over the past month, but that wasn't the only thing that caught her eye. The floors also creeked, the paint on the walls was dinghy and showed signs of long-term peeling.

Not to mention, it felt like the heat hadn't been turned on in the place for over a year as she had been feeling a serious chill since opening the front door. The door itself didn't look like it kept the cold out very well either now that she thought about. She remembered her father showing her a few things about home maintenance/improvement when she was younger or at the very least, he showed her a few things to look out for when she got her own place. This also caused her to remember that Naruto probably didn't have anyone to show him these things and how to fix them.

This caused her to wonder how long it's been like this and questioned why he hadn't reported it to his building manager. She then went to his bed to grab a few blankets to cover him with. However, she soon realized he only had one that was very small and thin. The blanket was also stained with various spots and even had a few holes in it. She then felt concerned well up, knowing full well that he'd probably get sick if they left him to sleep like this. She brung it up to Sasuke, who thought for a moment before mentioning that he had a few extra blankets at his apartment. He could go get a couple and bring them back to witch she agreed, mentioning she had a few extra as well.

After about 30 minutes, they came back to Naruto's apartment to find him sleeping huddle up in a ball on his couch, trying to preserve some body heat. They then covered him with the blankets they each brought from their homes before departing once more.

Next Morning

The third had given team 7 the next two weeks off to decompress and recuperate. However, Kakashi was being sent back out on another B-rank mission for the Daimyo in the capital of the land of fire. On his way out the gate, he ran into Sasuke, who was heading out to get some early morning training. Kakashi waved to him and explained that he was heading out on a mission and they were off duty for the time being. Sasuke almost immediately demanded Kakashi let him tag along, explaining that he would rather continue getting experience over just sitting around in the village. Kakashi thought he had a point but also felt he might be smart for him to take time to let his body rest. He then asked if the remaining members of their team were available to accompany them as well but was told Naruto was still unconscious. They were also informed by her perants that Sakura had come down with a fever. Afterwards, Sasuke repacked his bug out bag before linking back up Kakashi as the sharingan duo then headed out the village's gate.


A lone child stood at a dock that went out to a decent size lake. This was huffing with numerous burn marks and bandages around his mouth. This was due to the child having been practicing a high-level fire ninjutsu for the better half of the last 3 hours. Normally, other children wouldn't have anywhere near the need chakra nor control to attempt the technique, let alone to do so continuously. However lucky for the child they weren't like other children.

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