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6 years after the Kyubi attack.....

No ones POV

Naruto just had his visit from Lord 3rd to receive his monthly stipend.
After years of wondering and debating all morning, Naruto finally worked up the courage to ask the old hokage about his parents, as he had always been curious about who they were or maybe they whereabouts.

Naruto may not have had the most interest in academics but he was no fool, he knew very well about the tragic event that just so happened on the very same day he was born. Hell, even though nothing was ever mentioned above a whisper, it seemed like most if not all the grown ups wouldn't shut up about the the faithfull day whenever he was near their vicinity, glaring at him with hate in their eyes.

Naruto never knew the reson as for why they treated him like this, almost as if they think he somehow had a hand in the attack himself, he was literally a new born at the time. With that in mind though, it came as no surprise when the aged hokage told him that they were killed in the attack, but what perplexed Naruto is when Lord 3rd claimed to have no record of them whatsoever. This made Naruto even more curious about his parents.

Most of the other orphans around Naruto's age had some records of their parents or at the very least know who they were and the ones who didn't also didn't have last names, their names were given to them by the orphanage. Another thought that plagued Naruto's mind. Why was he the only one to receive his own apartment? Was he really that despised by the village that they wouldn't even allow him to live in an orphanage with others?

Naruto was never one to be depressed, upset, discouraged or even dwell on such less then positive thoughts, but ever since his 5th birthday about a year ago, he'd begun to be mistreated by most people in the village. People started glaring at him, whispering behind his back when they thought he couldn't hear them. Although, he could hear every word they said. Store clerks would also refuse him service, over charge him for the simplest items or even down right ban him from their stores. For the first 6 months Naruto tried to ignore it and focus on preparing himself to start the academy but eventually it began to wain on the poor boy's mind. He even over heard a lady whisper to her friend that "he was reason for the 4th hokage's death".

Like everyone else, Naruto idolized the 4th so to hear rumors of him being the cause of the man's death crushed him somewhat but it also caused him to heavily question his parents and his origins, Who are they ? Are they really dead? Did they even love him? Was he even from the village? He'd even speculated that maybe they had abandoned him for the same reason the village resented him. Many similar thoughts clouded his young mind all the way up until he entered the academy. It was then that he'd made a promise to himself that he would find out about his origin and his parents. As much as didn't want to believe that his sudo grandfather wasn't being entirely truthful with him, he knew there was something Lord 3rd wasn't telling him and he knew it had something to do with the kyubi attack 6 years ago.

Chapter Notes:

Prologue done, i basically just wanted to just give you guys an idea of where naruto's head is how it'll shape his path in life. Dont get me wrong, he's still the same knucklehead we all know and love, he's not going to be a super serious second sasuke. He's just going to used his head a little more. He will be op but it'll be a gradual increase, he's not going to be automatically better then everyone just by reading a fuck ton of books. Pairings? Karin probably, im eventually going to have him gather uzumaki survivors and according to anime filler she was supposed to be in the chunin exams. He will have a kekkei genkai, maybe two but idk about the second one. I'll let you kow right now, im planing on giving him shakuton ( scorch release ) i think thats how you spell it. As you already know naruto has a natural affinity for wind style in canon, well him im also giving him access to kurama's affinity for fire style as his jinchuriki. Let me know what you think and if i should continue. Also let me about any side characters you think could pass as uzumaki survivors, it saves me the trouble to making up OCs but i still might add some.

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