Chapter 9: Enter The Whirlpool pt 3

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"Internal thought"

Border of the Land of Eddies

Haku who was now dressed in a sleeveless pink kimono with a red spiral pattern and trim along with a white sash made his way to the gates of the ruins of Uzushiogakure. ( Hidden Whirlpool)

As he got closer he barely noticed a thin red transparent dome that covered the area. Skeptical he picked up a rock and toss at the dome. Immediately the rock bounce off and fell to the ground as burst into a crimson-colored flame burning it to ashes.

Looking through his bag he found the seal release tag Zabuza gave him. He stuck it to the barrier while applying some chakra and in response, the tag lit up but nothing happen.

Haku was about to try applying more when he suddenly noticed a presence nearby. Turning his head slightly he came face to face with 3 red-headed shinobi who surrounded him with kunai drawn.

All 3 shinobi were about his height and wore old-school black armor plating with black body suits underneath. They also wore masks along with black headbands with whirlpool symbols on them.

"Huh? Uzushiogakure shinobi!? That's impossible, I thought Uzushio was destroyed" Haku thought to himself as he examined them.

He couldn't get a good look at them but he could at least tell one was a boy while the two others were girls.

Haku stood calm with a face that indicated no emotion as he assessed his situation. He was outnumbered and quite possibly outmatched.

He only managed to sense one of them and it wasn't until they were right next to him. By the way they carried themselves, he knew any sign of resistance would result in his demise.

Not that he wished to fight them in the first place. The only man of the 3 circled to his front as he brought his kunai to Haku's throat.

Just then the masked shinobi spoke "I'm going to ask you a few questions and if you answer them truthfully, you may come out of this alive. However" he said as he pointed his kunai closer to Haku's throat "I wouldn't advise lying to me."

With that in mind, Haku just nodded in compliance. "Good first question, are you a shinobi?"

At first, he didn't answer as he contemplated lying but then thought against it considering they might already know the answer. In response, Haku just gave a slight nod in confirmation.

"Second question, are currently allied with any hidden village?" This time Haku decided to speak his answer.

In a calm and even tone, he spoke "Technically no, although I have shinobi training, I was never officially made a ninja by any village."

Nodding the masked shinobi then spoke his next question. "Where did you get that seal release tag and why are you here? That's a special tag only a select few people can create, let alone use."

Realizing he had no other choice but to tell the truth, Haku spoke " It was given to me by a woman named Mei Terumi. She requested that I seek out Uzushio and see if it was possible to salvage anything related to her clan that would aid her in her endeavors."

The masked shinobi looked Haku dead in the eyes to catch any hint of a lie. Finding none, he decided to ask one last question.

"Tell me, does this Mei Terumi have red hair and amazing chakra reserves?" Slightly shocked Haku nodded and all 3 put away their kunai.

"If you truly mean what you say then I have no reason to kill you however, I can't let you proceed any further."

Haku was about to ask why but the Uzushio shinobi continued. "That seal release tag is very a special one, it's specifically made to release this particular barrier and designed to be tied to only those of Uzumaki lineage."

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