Chapter 11: The Tale of Two and a Half Shinobi

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"Internal Thought"

"Kyubi Speech"

"Kyubi Thought"

It had been two weeks since their final fight on the bridge. Once Raiga was dealt with Gato finally made his move on the bridge with a small army of mercenaries backing him.

However seeing as both team 7 and the mist rouges were still alive and no worse for ware besides Haku the mercenaries gave up pretty easily. Especially when Inari showed up with most of the villages population baring arms. Afterwards Zabuza finally put an end to Gato for betraying him and sometime after both teams sat down to have a long talk.

Turns out one of Zabuza's only surviving classmates is related to Naruto's mother, sisters infact. He already had his suspension from remembering his mother mention her in old letters they had written to one another that he found in her belongings. When the whirlpool village was attacked they ended up losing contact with each other when she ran towards the land of Water.

After some time the 3rd great war broke out and they reunited on the battle field albeit on opposite sides. Luckily for them their units never clashed to heavily since the leaf was more focused on the stone/cloud and the mist was beginning to pull out due to internal issues.

After their talk they took the time to recover while Tazuna finish the construction of the bridge. During this time they also decided to do a joint raid on Gato's left over businesses and splitting his now repossessed money between them and the people of Wave country.

Through some negotiations Naruto agreed to give Zabuza a special storage scroll that once activated allows the user to access the entirety of the Uzumaki archives. In exchange Zabuza gave him a couple of water style lessons as well As some Kenjutsu training to both he and Sasuke. He offered to train Sakura in kenjutsu as well but she found it much more difficult to swing the weight of the sword around. He also gave a few tips on what he knew about handling the kiba blades to Sasuke.

Although he hated Raiga with every fiber of his being and knowing the feeling was mutual, he still respected his finale wish of passing on his swords to Sasuke.

When one of the 7 swordsmen passes on their sword to the next its once in a lifetime decision. The current wilder must be able to detect a capability towards their blade's particularly preferred style of sword play in a select individual if they aren't already raising a student from the ground up. Dispite being enemies on the battle field figured Raiga must've sensed a compatibility within the Uchiha. He himself had to admit Sasuke does have quite the nack for them now that he's witnessing him train. He would've made a fine member of the seven swordsmen.

Weirdly enough he felt somewhat jealous he never found anyone to pass his blade on to. Though he raised Haku as a student of sorts he could tell that his natural style was the complete opposite of what was required to wield the Executioner's Blade effectively. It'd be pointless to train for a style that doesn't suit him. He did however considered possibly molding Mei's nephew into a successor if he was to train him. As he mentioned before that boy has immense potential, he just a bit of a stubborn loud mouth.

Currently Sasuke was testing his controll with just one of the kiba blades. He dashed forward while activating his lighting chakra and with one swipe he cleaved the tree from it's trunk.

"Good, learn to do that both swords and you'll master them in no time" said Zabuza as he watched over Sasuke's training with a bored expression. The rest of team 7 watching from the sidelines. Kakashi was doing his usual witch was reading his little orange book while paying little attention, Sakura was watching on with stars in her eyes and Naruto was sitting off to the side with an annoyed look on his face and a broken katana in his hand. "Stupid kenjutsu, stupid Executioner's Blade, stupid Sasuke, stupid eyebrowless freak" he thought.

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