Chapter 13: Team Bonding

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"Internal Thought"

"Kyubi Speech"

"Kyubi Thought"

Outside the Hokage's tower

Team 7 minus Kakashi exited the Hokage's tower after their debriefing. It was long and strenuous, something that was new to them considering their previous missions consisted of D-ranks. There was never much to debrief the Hokage about afterwards. However, the were gone nearly a month on a C-rank turned S-rank so they figured it was understandably longer.

Naruto was walking with hands resting behind his head. Walking along side him were his teammates Sasuke who had his hands in his pockets and Sakura who yawning with a tired expression. "Uhhhhh, finally the mission is over. I can finally go home and take a hot shower. What about you guys? Asked Sakura.

"I don't know, probably training for a bit" replied Naruto with a shrug. Hey Sasuke, you wanna go a few rounds?" He asked.

To this Sasuke shrugged his shoulders in response. "Seriously? We been on a mission for a month and the first thing you guys want to do after getting back is train?" Sakura asked with a bewildered tone.

"Well duh Sakura, we been over this" Naruto chastised with a mock disappointing head nod. Why don't you come with us, maybe Sasuke can give you a few pointers on using genjutsu."

Sakura's face instantly turned red as she tried to respond but couldn't found the words to respond with. Sasuke, however, protest against this. "What the hell? Don't go using me to make promises that aren't yours to keep. And what makes you think i can teach her anything? I only know how to disrupt genjutsu, I don't know anything about casting it." Sasuke said with an annoyed tone.

Naruto looked supprised at this. "That's a first, I thought you were supposed to be the golden boy that's good at everything. I was under the impression that you could cast genjutsu with your sharingan alone but i guess your just not that adept with it yet."

Sasuke looked annoyed at this as he shot back the only response he could come up with."What's that supposed to mean loser?" He said with a piercing glare.

"Im just saying, Kakashi sensei used his sharingan to put Zabuza under a minor genjutsu. Not to mention I heard stories of Uchiha who could put multiple people to sleep with a single glance in the 3rd great war. I figured that it was just a natural ability of it but I guess its a more advanced technique then I thought. Maybe even to advanced for you.

Sasuke then turned to Naruto glaring daggers at him. His sharingan activated as his two tomoe tried to look into Naruto's soul. "I'll show you not to underestimate the sharingan loser!" Declared a ticked off Sasuke.

As if taking it as a challenged Naruto smiled while stepping up to accept it. Sakura was bout to step in between the two until she saw naruto's eyes. Naruto's eyes morphed into slit like pupils as his iris turned a shade of red that was crimson colored similar to blood.

Sakura stood back feeling of put off by Naruto's new eyes. With his slit like pupils he made direct contact with Sasuke. However, to Sakura's surprise the two just stood there either not making a single movement. For a few moments the two stood not giving an inch until finally Naruto collapse to his knees.

Sasuke began panting as both seemingly snapped out of the trance. "What the hell was that? Paralysis? Naruto asked as he continued to struggle on the ground for a bit.

Running to check the two out Sakura asked if they were ok and what happened.

Flashback To Genjutsu

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