Chapter 24 - Movie

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3rd Person

They all arrived at Mike's house, and Mike how had his arm around Will.

"I've not been here in so long!" Will grinned, looking around.

"Nothing much has changed, don't worry." Mike chuckled.

"Oo let's go to the basement!" Will skipped downstairs, making everyone giggle.

They all followed him down, and all sat down trying to figure out what to do.

"We should play monopoly!"

"Absolutely not that takes way too long."

"Party pooper!"

Everyone chattered, and Will turned to Mike.

"DnD?" Will whispered to Mike, feeling embarrassed.

"I haven't got a game ready, but as soon as I make one we can play, alright?" Mike told Will, who smiled softly.

"Okay." Will nodded, giving Mike a small kiss.

"Ewww cut it out! There's other people here!" Dustin gagged, and Mike scoffed.

"Shut up Dusty bun, just 'cos you miss Suzie!" Mike stuck his tongue out, and Dustin gasped.

"Excuse me!?" His eyes widended.

"You heard me." Mike narrowed his eyes, and Dustin stuck his tongue out and turned back to everyone else.

"Let's do a movie!" Max grinned, remembering Will's request from earlier.

"Oooh yes!!" Will squealed, sitting up immediately.

"What movie?" Lucas looked over at Will.

"Can we watch the new movie that came out? I forgot the name." Will grinned, and everyone looked at Mike.

"I don't have it, but I do have Ghostbusters." Mike grinned, ans Will's face lit up.

"Ooh yes I forgot about Ghost busters!!" He beamed, and everyone agreed to put the movie on.

Everybody got comfy, grabbing blankets and pillows, scrambling to get a good seat.

Mike and Will snuggled up on a couch, Will resting his head against Mike's chest.

Lucas put in the movie, and everyone stared at the TV, excited.

While everyone was distracted, Will whispered something to Mike.

"Thank you." Will looked up at his boyfriend.

"For what?" Mike asked him.

"For not leaving." Will whispered, and Mike smiled.

"You know I would never leave you, my love." Mike gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead.

Mike scanned Will's face and saw a bit of doubt creep in.

"Will." Mike glared down at him.

"Yeah..?" Will grinned.

"I'm not lying." Mike raised his eyebrows, and Will looked confused.

"How did you-? Okay." Will sighed, making Mike chuckle.

Mike took Will's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, making Will smile slightly.

"Alright love birds what are you two grinning about?" Max scoffed, turning to face them both.

"Nothing." Will tried to hide his red face, but failed miserably.

"Mike what the hell did you do to him?" Dustin giggled, and Will whined.

"Stop it!" He hid his face in his hands, making everyone laugh.

"You're so rude." Will pouted, turning away from everyone.

"Yeah you're all rude." Mike nodded.

"That includes you!" Will scoffed.

"HAHA WHEELY BIN!" Max cackled, getting a random surge of energy.

"Shut up leprechaun." Mike side-eyed her, before turning back to Will.

"You know I'm not rude." Mike grinned.

"Hmm, fine. Only because I love you." Will giggled, and Mike stuck his tongue out to the rest of the party.

"Ha! Loosers, he likes me more." Mike flicked his hair.

"Gayass." Max scoffed, and Lucas smacked her arm.

"Max be nice!" He scolded, and she rolled her eyes.

"Whatever." She rested her head on his shoulder, causing him to smile slightly.

"Ewwww keep it PG in here!" Mike shielded his eyes, making everyone giggle.

"Excuse me? You and Will were practically making out before!" Max fired, and Will turned red.

"I- No- We were not!" Mike stuttered, and Max hummed.

"Suuure Mike. Sure." Max grinned sarcastically, and Mike scoffed.

"Whatever nerd, watch the movie."

"I'm so-" Max's voice was cut off by Lucas putting his hand over her mouth, and all you could hear was her muffled insults.

Mike chuckled, before pulling Will closer to him and leaning his head on top of Wills.

"You're hair is so fluffy." Mike whispered, closing his eyes.

"Don't you dare fall asleep on me." Will warned.

"Mm I'll try not to." Mike smiled, and Will scoffed.

"At least let me get comfortable!" He whined, turning around to put his head on Mike's chest.

"Now can I sleep?" Mike asked him.

"Yeah, I love you." Will whispered, closing his eyes.

"I love you too." Mike gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead, before falling asleep cuddled up with Will.

They both fell asleep, and as the movie ended everyone fell quiet.

"They are adorable, aren't they?"


{Word Count: 780}

{Final Word Count: 20,720}

𝐃𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤 - Byler ✔Where stories live. Discover now