Chapter 1 - Good morning

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3rd Person

Will woke up, his head pounding.

'What time is it?' He had thought to himself.

He got up slowly, still hungover from drinking his body weight in a mix of different drinks last night.

"Mike stop!!" Will heard El giggle.

Mike must've slept over. Again.

He sighed and stood up, going dizzy for a few seconds before his sight going back to normal.

He stumbled into the kitchen and surprise, his mum and Jonathan weren't there.

Jonathan was probably off sucking face with Nancy and Mum was probably out with Hopper, or Karen. They go on 'girls days' every Sunday, but he didn't know what day it was.

He looked in the cupboards for any left over drinks that Hopper hasn't drank, or just anything to soothe his headache.

He dug through all of the cabinets, and the draws, for a couple of minutes before he found a half empty bottle of beer.

This'll do the trick.

He told himself as he brought it back to his room. He had drinks in his room that he could've drank, but he needed to save them.

He brought out a flask and poured the beer in it. That should last him the entire day, right?

He heard music start blasting through the house, which only made his headache worse.

Will grumbled to himself, before getting up and walking over to Eleven's room.

He knocked on and they both. answered.

"What?" Eleven asked, clearly annoyed.

"Can you please turn down the music?" Will mumbled.

"Dude speak up." Mike rolled his eyes.

"Can you please turn down the music?" Will asked again, but louded this time.

"No." Eleven slammed the door in his face, and Will heard them both giggling.

This is going to be a long day.

Ring Ring

Will heard the phone ringing so he went over to it and picked it up.

"Hello? This is Will speaking." He spoke into the phone.

"Will! It's Max!" She yelled and Will's mood instantly lifted.

"Hey, whats up?" He smiled softly, even though she couldn't see it.

"We were wondering if you, el and probably Mike since hes always there, would like to go to Starcourt with us!" Max squealed.

"H-Hold on, who's 'us', do you mean like, Dustin and Lucas?" Will asked her, confused.

"Yeah! Would you all like to come?" She asked again.

"I- Uhm, let me go and ask them, I'll be a minute." He told her, not having the heart to say no.

He walked back over to Eleven's room and knocked on.

She didn't answer.

He knocked on again, but still, no answer.

"E-El? Mike?" He tried to shout but his voice wouldn't let him go above normal.

"Oh my god what?" Mike spat, opening the door harshly which made Will jump.

"Max called, she wanted to know if you and El wanted to go to Starcourt mall with them?" Will told him.

"Are you going?" El asked him.

"I dont feel very well.." He lied, hoping to get them out of the house.

"Uh, I mean sure we could go!" Eleven softened her tone and smiled at the boy.

"Sorry for slamming the door in your face earlier, by the way." She frowned and Will just gave her a weak smile back.

He knew she meant no harm, she was far too sweet.

"It's okay. Do you guys want to go or are you not bothered?" He asked them politely.

"Will she already said yes." Mike raised his eyebrows, clearly pissed off.

"O-Oh.. sorry." Wills shoulders slumped and he walked back to the phone.

He picked it up and heard Max arguing with someone.

"Uh, El and Mike will go." He mumbled through the phone.

"Alright ! What about you, will you come?" She asked him, sounding cheery.

"I'm sorry, I dont feel good." He muttered.

"Do you want me to stay home with you? I can look after you?" She offered.

Will smiled at the offer but refused. Everyone was going to meet at Starcourt for 1pm, which meant he had the whole house to himself.

For the entire day.

{Word Count: 690}

𝐃𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤 - Byler ✔Where stories live. Discover now