Chapter 19 - Boyfriends?

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3rd Person

"I love you too." Will smiled softly at Mike, his heart fluttering.

"S-Seriously?" Mike looked at him, wiping away his tears.

"I've loved you ever since I can remember." Will admitted, taking Mike's hand.

"I never even noticed..?" Mike whispered, wishing he had realised sooner.

"I'm glad you didn't.. you've been with El for most of your life." Will looked down, his smile fading slightly.

"Will I've been in love with you since we were 11 years old." Mike frowned.

"Seriously?" Will's eyebrows raised in disbelief.

"We've wasted so much time." Mike chuckled, still crying slightly.

"If only we told each other sooner." Will smiled back, squeezing Mike's hand, making the taller boy blush.

"We could've been together." Mike smiled back although his voice was sad.

"Who said we can't?" Will blushed, looking away.

"Byers, did you just make a move on me?" Mike grinned, his mood lifting immediately.

"I-I mean.. maybe?" Will muttered, embarrassed.

"Of course we can." Mike's face softened, seeing how embarrassed Will was.

"Seriously?" Will lookes up, his eyes shining.

For the first time in months, Mike saw a genuine smile. Will's normal, happy smile.

Even though Will was in the hospital, laying in an itchy hospital gown, he was the happiest he had ever been.

"Of course." Mike smiled.

"So.. what would that make us?" Will asked Mike, his voice quiet.

"Boyfriends?" Mike looked at him.

Will looked up and smiled.

"Boyfriends." He whispered, his face beetroot red.

"You're so pretty, Byers." Mike brought Will's hand up to his mouth, giving it a small kiss.

"Mike!" Will whined, embarrassed.

"What?" Mike smiled, seeing how red his boyfriend was.

"This is so embarrassing." Will tried to hide his smile.

"You love it." Mike giggled, giving Will's hand another kiss.

"Mike!" Will giggled, flustered.

"Sorry." Mike smiled fondly at him.

Mike let their hands stay connected, but they now rested on Will's bed.

"Mike..?" Will spoke, sounding unsure.

"Yeah?" Mike responded.

"You aren't.. lying, right?" Will whispered.

"Lying about what?" Mike sounded confused.

"About loving me." Will looked down.

"No! No of course not! Why would you think that?" Mike panicked.

"Sorry, I'm just being stupid." Will tried to change the subject.

"No, it's okay, why did you think I was lying?" Mike reassured him.

"It just seemed too good to be true, I guess." Will shrugged, turning his head away.

"Will, I'd never lie to you." Mike spoke sincerely, and Will blushed.

𝐃𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤 - Byler ✔Where stories live. Discover now