Chapter 20 - Joyce

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"What was that?" Max muttered.

Will squeezed Mike's hand, looking over at him.

The door opened and Joyce was stood there, a worried expression on her face.

"M-Mum?" Will whispered, scared of what she'll say.

"Oh my god, Will! What happened, sweetheart?" She rushed over to him and sat down next to him.

"..I don't know." Will didn't want to tell her.

"You don't know? Will, you don't have to lie to me." Joyce told her son.

"I'm not lying!" Will tried, but Joyce saw right through him.

She turned around to the party and examined their faces.

"What happened?" She asked them all.

Nobody opened their mouths, and Joyce sighed.

"Listen, I know you want to protect your friend but this boy is my son. And I want to know what happened. Just somebody tell me, please." She looked at all of them, feeling desperate.

"I'll tell you." Mike looked over at Will.

"No, Mike please." Will pleaded, using Mike's hand to pull him slightly closer.

"Will. She needs to know." Mike told Will, who nodded reluctantly.

Everybody else got the hint and said a quick goodbye before leaving the room hurriedly, leaving Mike, Will and Joyce all sat down.

"I'm just going to tell you, Will's an alcoholic." Mike got straight to the point, and Will burst into tears.

"Will, how?" Her heart broke seeing her son like this.

Will pulled his hand away from Mike's, burrying his face into both of his hands.

"Oh, Will." She sighed, pulling him into a hug.

Will cried into her chest, his entire body shaking.

"Don't leave me I'm so sorry. Please I'm really sorry." Will sobbed, his voice muffled.

"Shhh calm down, I'm not going anywhere." She whispered, holding his head and rubbing it gently.

"I'm sorry." Will repeated, his heart pounding.

"Stop apologizing, what have we talked about." Joyce warned, moving her hand from his head and rubbing his back.

"So.. What actually happened? How is he in hospital?" Joyce looked up at Mike.

"Uh, he relapsed.. some how." Mike told her.

"Can you just explain everything, start to finish.

"Oh, uh okay. Well me and Max thought that he was actually a little weird for about a week or so, we notice about a week and a half ago. Will would stumble about when he walked and he would have really random mood swings, and Max recognized his behavior because her brother used to be an alcoholic." Mike told Joyce, who's eyes were glued to her boy.

"Me and Max wanted to figure out what was going on but we didn't know what it was until about a day ago Will was drunk and I smelt his breath and it was pure vodka." Mike continued, and he saw Joyce's face drop.

"Will, why would you do this to yourself?" She whispered, her heard breaking.

Will continued to sob, shaking his head and not looking at anyone.

"S-So, uh, I asked him to go to sleep and he did, and I waited about 10 minutes before I began to search his room, and I found a shoe box with about 15 bottles in it." Mike told her, and Joyce gasped.

Will's cries got louder, and Joyce teared up.

"Will, how did you even get them?" She whispered.

"L-Lonnie." Was all that Will could get out, before he started bawling again.

"That son of a bitch." Joyce spoke through gritted teeth, her face fuming.

"And I emptied all of the bottles while Max stopped Will from trying to get me to stop, and he went through withdrawal. We tried to tell him not to relapse but.." Mike trailed off, as where they were sat was all Joyce needed to know.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Will sobbed, and Joyce's eyes became wet with tears.

"No, don't be sorry sweetheart. It's not your fault." She whispered, rubbing his back as a way to calm him down.

"I'm gonna go and call your brother, okay? I'll be right back, don't worry." She told him, giving him a kiss on the top of his head.

Will pulled away from the hug, his face wet with big tear streaks down them and his eyes red and puffy.

Joyce left the room, giving a small smile to both boys, before closing the door and making her way to the phone

"She left. She promised she wouldn't leave." Will looked at the door, his voice breaking.

"Will, she isn't leaving I promise." Mike tried, but nothing would console the smaller boy.

Mike wrapped his arms around Will, sitting down next to him on the bed.

"It's okay, my love." Mike whispered, kissing Will's forehead.

"Mike she left." Will whispered back, his entire body shaking.

"She will walk back in within a few minutes, she would never leave you Will." Mike lifted Will's head up to look at him.

"B-But what if she-"

"She'd never. Will, we all love you so much and we would never leave you, I promise." Mike cut off Will, not wanting him to think anything negative.

"..Okay." Will looked into Mike's eyes, smiling softly.

Will leaned in and gave Mike a small kiss on the lips, and Mike immediately kissed back.

They both closed their eyes and felt fireworks exploding in their stomachs, their lips moving in sync.

They both pulled away, red and smiling.

"I love you." Mike smiled fondly at his boyfriend.

"I love you too." Will whispered, smiling back.

uno in season four when max almost died in the graveyard when she started to float what if lucas just held on to her and just started flying

{Word Count: 945}

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