Chapter 16 - Hospital

487 7 44

3rd Person

They all arived at the hospital, and Mike sprinted inside.

"Excuse me? What room is Will Byers in?" He asked the lady at the desk.

"He's still being processed, sorry sweetheart." She told him, and his heart dropped.

"Okay.. Thank you." Mike muttered, going to sit down.

Everyone else appeared at the door and came rushing over to Mike.

"Is he okay!?"

"Where is he?"

"Can we go and see him?

"Is he dead..?"

"Shut up!" Mike yelled at them all.

Everyone stared at him, not knowing what to do.

"Stop asking me questions! Go and find them out yourself because to be completely honest, I don't have the energy for this right now!" Mike fired, getting up.

"Jesus, calm down! We're worried for our friend!" Lucas scowled.

"Yeah and so am I!" Mike spat.

"You don't seem like it?" Lucas chuckled angrily.

"Are you fucking serious? Of course I am!" Mike's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Then why are you so angry!?" Lucas flailed his arms around.

"I'm not angry! I'm scared, Lucas!" Mike yelled, his eyes stinging.

Lucas's face softened immediately, and his scowl disappeared.

"We are too.." He sighed looking at Mike, who was wiping a tear that had escaped his eye.

Mike looked away in shame, slumping back down onto his seat.

"Y-Yeah whatever, man." He tried to hide his face, as tears were now streaming down his face at a steady pace.

Lucas sighed, and pulled Mike into a hug.

"He'll be okay, he's the strongest person I know. Don't worry, Mike." Lucas held onto Mike, who was crying heavily.

Mike shook his head, not daring to let himself speak.

Everyone sat down around them, El and Max in front of Mike, Dustin and Lucas.

"B-But what if he.." Mike trailed off, not daring to finish his sentence.

"He wont. I promise." Lucas pulled away from Mike, looking him directly in the eyes.

"I-I never got to tell him.." Mike whispered.

"Tell him what?" Lucas raised an eyebrow.

"That I love him." Mike whispered, sobbing.

"Oh." Lucas muttered.

Mike continued to sob into his hands, and everyone just looked at him, speechless.

"I-.. I'm sorry." Lucas frowned, putting his hand on Mike's shoulder.

Mike didn't respond and just kept crying, his cries only getting more heart broken every minute.

Eleven watched the scene unfold, her mind racing.

I can save him. I can save my brother. He will not leave. - Eleven thought to herself.

"I am going to see him." Eleven got up, blinking away the tears that had begin to form in her eyes.

"Can I come? Please?" Mike shot up, looking directly at eleven.

"Mike. I go first. Please, let me." Eleven told him.

Mike's lips trembled, but he nodded and sat back down.

Eleven gave him a small but genuine smile, and went over to the front desk.

"Hello?" She spoke softly.

"Hi sweetheart, what's up?" The lady at the desk looked up at her.

"What room is Will Byers in?" Eleven smiled at her.

"173. Take this visitors pass so that they let you in." The lady smiled back at her, handing her a lanyard with the label 'visistor' on it.

"Thank you!" Eleven gave her a thumbs up, before making her way to Will's room.

She walked through a hallway, filled with wooden doors.

"175.. 174.. 173.. 172.. Wait I just passed it." She mumbled out loud.

She walked back to the room 173 and slightly pushed open the door.

She walked in, closing the door softly behind her.

Eleven looked down at her brother, and she felt her heart shatter into a million different pieces.

Will looked so small, so weak, laying there on the hospital bed. He looked.. dead.

Eleven felt a lump form in her throat, but she continued to walk in any way.

She sat down on the chair next to his bed, and took his hand and placed it into her own.

"Will.. Please talk to me." She whispered, hoping he was awake ans just had his eyes closed.

When she got no response, her eyes began to sting.

"Will.. We love you. Please wake up." She pleaded, holding his hand tighter.

His eyes stayes shut, his chest going up and down at a more steady pace then they had last seen.

"Please, come on." Eleven tried, but she was greeted with no response.

She sighed, and got up. She say herself on the bed, and closed her eyes.

Please work..

{Word Count: 753}

𝐃𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤 - Byler ✔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora