Chapter 21 - The party

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"I love you too." Will whispered, smiling back.

"You're so pretty." Mike told him, making the smaller boy blush.

"I've been crying for like, 10 minutes." Will rolled his eyes.

"You're still so pretty." Mike smiled, holding Will's hand and kissing it.

"Your so stupid." Will smiled, giving Mike another kiss.

"Whatever." Mike rolled his eyes playfully, sticking his tongue out.

"Providing my point." Will scoffed.

"Nerd." Mike poked Will, causing Will to giggle.

"Mike! Stop it!" Will giggled, trying to push Mike off of him.

"I can't hear you." Mike laughed, tickling Will a bit more.

"Ah! Please!" Will giggled, and Mike let go of him.

"Hmm I'll come back later for you." Mike narrowed his eyes, and Will smiled.

"You're such a dork." Will rolled his eyes, putting his arms around Mike's neck.

"You love me for it." Mike batted his eyelashes, making Will giggle.

Mike noticed the tear streaks on Will's face and frowned.

"I hate seeing you cry." Mike pouted,  wiping away Will's tears.

"Stop it." Will warned, embarrassed.

Mike wiped away Will's tears, and Will admired his boyfriend, his arms around Mike's neck.

The door burst open and Joyce walked in.

"Will, sweetheart I've called-" Joyce walked in, and gasped.

"Oh my god! Finally!" She squealed, running over to them.

Will went red, and pulled his arms off of Mike.

"Noo keep them on!" Joyce whined, happy that her boy was finally dating someone.

"Mum!" Will whined, and Mike chuckled.

"I see your feeling better." Joyce smirked, and Will hid his face in his hands.

"Oh my god." Will whined, and both of the others giggled.

"What? I know how long you liked him!" Joyce smiled, feeling giddy.

Will huffed and leaned back in the bed, his back hurting from sitting up so much.

"Well, anyway, the doctor said you will be released tomorrow!" Joyce told her son, and his eyes lit up.

"Really?" He smiled, eyes glistening.

"Yeah, and all of your friends want to come in and see you so can they see you before they have to leave?" Joyce asked him, to which Will nodded.

Joyce gave them a thumbs up, and scurried out of the room to let them be together.

"That was so embarrassing." Will muttered, his face a bright shade of red.

"I can tell." Mike teased, and Will scoffed.

"Aren't boyfriends meant to be kind and loving?" Will pouted.

Mike gasped and put a hand over his heart.

"Are you saying I'm not kind and loving?" Mike accused.

"Well if the boot fits." Will grinned, and Mike's jaw dropped.

"I'm so loving, you just watch." Mike grinned, and gave Will a ton of small kisses around his face.

He could feel Will smiling and could not hear his small giggles, and he pulled away and saw Will's face red and happy.

"Hmm, fine you are loving." Will smiled, and Mike beamed.

"See." He flicked his hair, which made Will laugh.

"You're such a dork." Will rolled his eyes.

"You mentioned." Mike stuck his tongue out.

"Right lovebirds we are leaving soon so we are coming in, please don't be making out!" They heard Max's voice from outside of the door, and Mike backed off of Will and sat normally on the bed.

The four walked in and ran over to Will, seeing how happy he looked.

"Are you feeling better?" Max asked him, sitting down next to Mike.

"Yeah, and my mum doesn't hate me." Will's face shone, and everybody's mood lifted.

"What did we say!" Max grinned, and Will chuckled.

"Anyway, we should do something tomorrow! To celebrate you getting better!" Dustin announced, and everybody let out sounds of agreement.

"Sleepover at Mike's?" Lucas suggested.


"Of course!"


"I guess it's settled then." Eleven grinned, and the four cheered.

"Anyway, how are you guys doing?" Max grinned, and they both looked at each other and smiled slightly.

"Fine." Mike answered, his cheeks tinted pink.

"Really? Because when I came in earlier it seemed wayyy more then fine?" Max teased, and they both went red.

"Shut up, leprechaun." Mike hissed, and everyone giggled.

"Oh you wanna go there? Okay Mickey Mouse." Max fired back, and Mike's jaw dropped.

"I'M SORRY?" Mike sassed.

"Oh you should be." Max rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, red head." Mike turned back to Will.

Will smiled at him, and Mike's heart melted.

He hasn't seen Will this happy in so long and it was refreshing to see him smile.

"Your so gorgeous." Mike accidentally blurted out.

Will went red and Max gasped.

"AHH FINALLY!" She squealed, making everyone laugh.

"Shut up!" Mike smacked her arm, and she didn't even care and just kept squealing.

Will yawned and Mike picked up on this immediately. He stood up and began to drag everyone up and onto their feet.

"Dude?" Lucas looked at Mike like he was mad.

"Let Will sleep! Chop chop, up you go!" Mike dragges Lucas onto his feet, and Lucas scoffed.

"Whatever, see you tomorrow!" Lucas waved at Will, who waved back promptly.


{Wors Count: 845}

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