Chapter 12 - Dont leave, I'm sorry

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3rd Person

There was a knock at the door, and Mike shot up to answer it.

He ran over to the door, but it openee without him even touching the door.

Outside the door stood Eleven, Lucas and Dustin, their faces evidently concerned.

"Dude what the fuck is going on!?" Lucas practically pounced on Mike.

"Dude get off of me! Just go and sit down in the living room for a minute." Mike pushed Lucas off of him, and went to go and grab Max and Will.

He walked into the bathroom to see Max cradling Will, who was still crying at this point.

Will looked up at him, and his eyes widened.

"Y-You didn't leave?" Will whispered.

"Of course not, now let's go." Mike spoke softly.

Max helped Will get up, and the threw of them walled out of the bathroom.

They all walked into the living room, and when everybody saw Will's tear streaked face their eyes widended.

"Dude are you okay?" Dustin shot up.

"What happened?" Eleven asked him.

"What's going on?" Lucas got up aswell.

"Everybody sit down. Me and Max can tell you all." Mike ordered, so everybody followed.

Will was sat in between Mike and Max on one couch, while Lucas, El and Dustin were on another.

"I'm not going to sugar coat it. Will's an alcoholic." Mike told them all, and Will started crying again.

Max pulled him into a hug, and everybody's eyes bulged even further.

"WHAT!?" They all yelled in sync, causing Will to worry even more.

"Don't leave, please don't leave.." He whispered to himself.

"Will, nobody is going to leave you." Max whispered, holding his head to her chest so that he couldn't see everybody's faces.

"Wh-.. For how long?" Dustin whispered.

"I don't actually know, I never asked him." Mike muttered, turning to Max.

She nodded, and lifted Will's head up.

"Will." She whispered so nobody but the two of them could hear.

"Yeah..?" He responded.

"You don't need to tell us all yet, but, how long have you been an alcoholic?" She asked him gently.

"I- I don't- About two and a half years." Will murdered, the tears starting to fall quicker.

Max pulled him back into a hug and let him cry, and she looked up to everyone else.

"He said about two and a half years." She told them, and they're jaws dropped.

Everybody was silent for quite a few minutes, the only sound filling the room was Will's sobs.

"How did we not know..?" Lucas whispered, looking over at Will who was now sat up, bot on Max's chest anymore.

"Why didn't you tell us? We could've helped." Dustin sounded guilty, and Will could feel his gaze burning into him.

"Will, please speak, you're scaring us." Eleven pleaded, and Will shook his head.

He continued to sob, which made everybody more worried.

"I-Im sorry." Will cried, refusing to look anybody in the eye.

"We aren't blaming you, Will." Mike whispered, knowing how awful the day has been for him.

Will's hands where shaking, everybody in the room could see. Nobody could see his face, as he had his head hung low.

Mike decided to pull Will into a hug, and everybody watched as Will sobbed into Mike's chest, repeating something over and over again.

"Don't leave, don't leave I'm sorry. I'm really sorry please don't leave." They could finally hear him, and their hearts broke.

"We aren't leaving you, Will." Mike frowned, using his hand to rub Will's back.

"You are. You are!" Will sobbed.

"No I promise you, we aren't." Mike promised, and Will shook his head.

"I'm sorry. I'm really really sorry." He continued, leaving everyone feeling horribly guilty.

"It's okay, Will." Mike whispered, hugging Will a bit tighter.

Will continued to cry into Mike's chest, and everybody looked around, not daring to say anything.

Eventually, Will's cries did stop and the room fell completely silent.

"Will.?" Lucas spoke up.

Will didn't respond.

"Will?" Dustin spoke up as well.

Again, no response.

"Will!" Max shook him, but alas, no response.

"Will?" Mike panicked, lifting up his head and seeing his eyes closed.

At first, Mike honestly thought he was dead and pressed his hand against Will's heart, which was beating steadily.

Mike let out a sigh of relief, realizing he had just fallen asleep.

"It's okay, he's just fallen asleep." Mike told them, speaking quietly as to not wake up the sleeping boy.

"Oh. Should we put him to bed?" Eleven asked.

"Yeah, I'll go and put him to bed." Mike nodded, lifting him up bridal style.

He asked Max to open Will's door for him, and as she opens it, they both cringe.

The room has clothes, paper, empty alcohol bottles, basically anything you would find in a teenagers bedroom was sprawled all over the floor.

They both heard foot steps behind them and looked behind them to see Lucas and Dustin stood there.

"What the fuck happened in here?"

pls kill me oh my fucking god ive had NO IDEA what to do on this chapter. like the last one was so chaotic and then this ones like idk just sad i guess???? i dont even know. PLEASE TELL ME UR OPINIONS ON THIS STORY SO FAR AND TELL ME IF I SHOULD REDO ANYTHING COS I WONT BE OFFENDED

{Word Count: 892}

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