Chapter 10 - Found out.

491 7 28

3rd Person

"Hello?" Max's voice rang through the phone.

"Max. I need to talk to you." Mike spoke.

"Yeah clearly." She scoffed.

"You know when Billy used to be an alcoholic?" Mike asked.

"I- Uh yeah? Why?" She sounded confused.

"How did he used to act? Like how did he walk and talk and that?" Mike could feel panic rising in his chest.

"Well, uh, he would walk very wobbly and stuff. And he always had mood swings, like really weird mood swings. He would go from sad to happy to angry within a few minutes." Max told Mike, who was listening intently.

"Shit.." Mike muttered, making Max concerned.

"Why? What's wrong?" She asked him.

"I- Uh. Nothing." Mike stuttered, so Max immediately knew something was wrong.

"I'm coming over." Max announced, about to hang up the phone.

"Don't go to my house. Go to Will's." Mike told her.

"Why?" She asked.

"Just come to Will's!" Mike yelled, placing down the phone.

"Wh-" Max was cut off by the call ending.

Mike went over to the front door, leaving it unlocked for Max.

He went back over to Wills room, knowing he must have something in there.

He went in, the door slamming behind him.

Mike began to search, everywhere he could. He checked under the bed, in the desk, just anywhere a bottle of alcohol would fit.

"M-Mike?" He heard a small voice, but he ignored it.

Mike continued to tear Will's room apart, causing the smaller boy to worry.

"Where the fuck are they.." Mike muttered to himself, pulling out the boxes from under Will's bed.

He opened one, pulling out old clothes, some teddies, and throwing the box to the side when he couldn't find anything.

He brought another box over to him, opening it and pulling out things of it. There were old drawings, some old crayons and stacks of paper.

Mike groaned, moving the box to the side and getting up.

"What are you doing?" Will asked him, feeling panicked.

Mike ignored him, running over to his desk.

He began to open every drawer, rummaging through them, searching every corner.

"Mike! Stop it!" Will tried to get over to Mike, but was failing due to the mess all over the floor.

Mike slammed his hands on the desk out of anger, making Will jump.

"Where the hell are they!?" He yelled, causing Will to go pale.

"W-Where are what..?" Will muttered, his heart in his throat.

"The fucking bottles!" Mike yelled, storming over to Wills wardrobe.

"What-.. What do you mean bottles?"  Will tried to play off his nervousness.

"Don't bullshit me Will! I know you have them somewhere." Mike opened Will's wardrobe, throwing all of his clothes on the floor.

"Mike stop it!" Will shrieked, seeing Mike go through his wardrobe.

Mike continued to ignore him, going through every drawer he could.

He got to the last drawer, getting a pile of clothes off of the top of a shoe box.

"What's going on?" They both heard Max yell from outside of Will's room.

Will looked at her, but Mike just continued to move things off of the box until he could get in it.

He was about to just throw it on the floor, when he heard rattling from inside of it.

He looked over at Will, who was now paler then anybody had ever seen him, and his eyes were wide.

"Max don't let him out of this room!" Mike yelled, taking the box and heading to the bathroom.

"No! No no no give it back!" Will tries to chase after him, but max held him back.

Will watched as Mike slammed the bathroom door shut, and burst into tears.

"Will woah what's wrong!?" Max panicked, bringing him into the living room.

"M-Max he has them all! And I need them!" Will cried, trying to go to the bathroom.

"What do you mean 'has them'?" Max looked confused, and accidentally let go of Will.

He raced to the bathroom to try and stop Mike, but when he got there Mike was halfway through dumping out his last bottle into the sink.

"MIKE! WHAT DID YOU DO!?" Will cried, making Mike look at him.


yall i aint sure about this chapter but i dont gove a singular fuck

{Word Count: 711}

𝐃𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤 - Byler ✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz