Chapter 30: The Sword in the Stone

Start from the beginning

Arcee: Smokescreen gets his own partner?

Ratchet: please, isn't having four humans here enough?

Everyone looked at him as if he just said the most racist thing anyone ever heard which he probably did as he scoffed and just went back to work.

Optimus: I was referring to one already among us.

Jack: um, sure, Optimus, um, robots in disguise, traffic laws, don't beat down humans. I can bring Smokescreen up to speed.

Bulkhead: we've all put in curbside duty, part of the gig.

Jack:<goes down to the ground>

Smokescreen: then let's go for a drive, teach.

Smokescreen transformed, let Jack inside and drives off.

Arcee; Optimus, with all due respect, Agent Fowler is out relocating Raf's family because the Cons discovered where he lives. Meanwhile Smokescreen, in all his wisdom, chooses a vehicle mode with screening double 38s on the doors, making him an easy target. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't more than concerned about Jack's safety.

BloodSport; my fault on the vehicle mode.

Optimus: nonetheless, the fact remains that our new recruit is in need of instruction. I believe that Smokescreen's spark is in the right place and that he now understands the necessity of protecting humanity.

BloodSport: Bulkhead, where's Miko?

Bulkhead: hospital.

BloodSport; again? It's been a week.

Bulkhead: she's determined to trying to convince Axel to stay. Even if he doesn't want to.


Miko: <peeling an apple> are you sure I can't convince you?

Axel: Miko, you have been asking me everyday for a week the same question every time you come to visit and the answer is still no.

Miko: Axel I don't want you to go.

Axel: Miko...

Miko: please I didn't mean what I said, I was angry and worried about what happened to Bulk that I just had to take it out on someone and that was not right on my part.

Axel: and yet you still did it. I was gonna let you release all your anger on me... but it seems I got more than what I bargained for or lost and I didn't have much to lose anyway.

Miko: but...

Axel: Miko, I'm dead set on this. Besides, I won't heal mentally over this if I stay in the base. A change of scenery will help my coping process, being in the base won't help me with that. If you can't accept it then you're gonna have to.

Miko looks sad as she keeps peeling an apple.

Axel: also why are you peeling an apple?

Miko: in Japan, peeling and cutting apples for someone signifies care. My mom always did it when I got sick when I was little.

Axel: sounds to me like how you give chicken soup to sick people here in America.

Miko; I guess so.

A nurse came in and gave Axel his lunch and left as Axel lifted the top of the food plate and it was steak.

Axel: couldn't they have given me a sandwich or something I don't need two hands to eat with!? I'm missing one arm!

Miko sighs as she picked up the knife and fork and cut Axel's food.

Miko: what did you eat the entire week then?

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