Chapter 30: The Sword in the Stone

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Nevada Road No POV

Smokescreen, Bee and BloodSport were on vehicle modes tracking some Energon.

Smokescreen: Energon signal's getting stronger, about five clicks due North.


BloodSport: Smokescreen, we have to follow the speed limit!

Smokescreen: speed limit? I have a gauge in here that goes to 150. If the humans who designed my vehicle form didn't want it to go that fast, they shouldn't have given me the option.

BloodSport; that's because you're a race car! You're making me regret showing you that! At least drive on the right side of the road!

Smokescreen went 150 on the left side of the road as he almost crashed into a van as they both spin and halted. An old man with a crowbar got out of the van.

Old Man: hey, Indy 500! When I'm through with you, you're gonna need more than a pit crew to put you back together!

Smokescreen:<transformed and leaned down> bring it!

Old Man:<drops the crowbar in fear>

Smokescreen: who's the tough guy now, huh?

BloodSport; damn it, Smokescreen!

Bee and BloodSport transformed as Bee stopped Smokescreen.

Smokescreen:<laughs> Relax, Bumblebee. I'm just messing around.

The old man went to take a picture but BloodSport pinched the neck of the old man and fell got knocked out.

Smokescreen: what did you do?

BloodSport: Vulcan Neck Pinch. It's a thing I picked up on human TV. Tried it on Miko and it worked.

Smokescreen; sweet.

BloodSport: let's make it seem that he was just tired and get out of here.

BloodSport and Bee put the old man back in his van as and put the van on the side of the road as they also placed his phone and crowbar inside as they transformed and left.

Autobot Base later

Jack:<searching the web> good news, no one else saw you. Good thing we didn't leave Raf any tasks once he comes back from house hunting.

Ratchet: is this what you learned while serving Alpha Tryon? I highly doubt that he would have condoned such irresponsible behavior.

Arcee: blowing your cover is not okay. You're lucky BloodSport was quick enough to stop that human from taking any pictures.

Smokescreen: sorry, guys, I know I really messed up.

Optimus; while Ratchet and Arcee are correct, I believe that we are all equally responsible for this incident.

Arcee: us?

Ratchet; how?

Bulkhead; we weren't even there!


Bulkhead: well... Bee and BloodSport were.

Bee:<elbows his gut>

Prowl:<meditating> what Optimus meant is that we were all so busy that we couldn't teach Smokescreen the rules of Earth.

Optimus: Prowl is correct. It is an oversight that must be corrected.

Smokescreen: Optimus I'm honored to train under you and we'll do whatever it takes to make things right. To make you proud.

Optimus: perhaps the best way for you to learn about the human world is from a human.

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