Benny boy

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Recap:  "What ever I need to get to third, see ya after school" he said walking out of the bathroom.

Archie's POV:

     It's the end of the day and here I am outside of the school's gate entrance waiting for Ben. Since Ben has been walking with me to school and home, I haven't been bringing my skateboard to school. I look at the front door to the school and out comes Ben. "Sup dude." He said as he walked towards me. "Hey man" I said as he got closer I started walking and we started walking towards my house.

     "Hey man wanna stay over for a bit?" I ask when we got to my front door. "Sorry dude I can't dad wants me home" he says looking at his phone. I haven't met anyone from his family, he says he has a dad and a tonnnnn of siblings. He doesn't talk about them much, and I really don't want to pry so I don't ask about them. "That's fine dude see ya tomorrow" I say heading into my house. I take off my shoes at the door and go to the kitchen grabbing a snack. I head up to my room and open my laptop setting it on my bed, then I sit on my beanbag playing on my Nintendo.

     "Sup Fanboy" I turn too look at BEN, he was laying in some weird pose, probably trying to be flirtatious or something stupid like that, on my bed next to my open computer. "Sup" I say looking back at my Nintendo. He's been visiting me ever since that night. I still don't understand why he hasn't killed me yet. Like I thought that was his job or something.


    I sat on his bed and watched him play for a bit, he then died in the game he was playing. "Hey BEN can I ask ya something?" He said as he put down his game and looked back at me. "Yeah sure dude" I said as he turned around all the way. "Why haven't you killed me? I mean your a killer yet you just come over to my house and game or chill out. Why?" He said in a serious tone. "Well, idk I guess I just like your company, and besides I know you aren't going to go to the cops or anything like that." I said, in response he smiled and said "ok" then went back to his game.

     After a hour or two, I left. I said goodbye and all that then went back through his computer. When I got back to my room I went into the hallway. I headed down stairs into the living room, Jeff was sitting on the couch with Nina, Michal, and EJ. Nina was bothering Jeff while Michal was talking to his brother, who was on the floor with Sally watching cartoons. I plopped down on the couch in the middle of Jeff and Michal with a sigh. "Look who's finally back, how'd it go with that Archie kid? Did you convince him to join us yet?" Michal asked turning his attention to me. "Nah, but I think I'm close" I said in response. Jeff looks at me "why are you so persistent on him joining? Just kill him and find someone else to join. It would be easier". "No I'm so close Jeff if I kill him now, it would mean I wasted 4 months on him." I said looking at him. "Whatever" Jeff said getting up trying to get away from Nina, she followed him. "Can I see a picture of him?" Michal asked. "Sure" I said as I grabbed out my phone pulling up a photo I took of Archie while we were gaming.

     "Ooo~ he's a cutie!" Michal said. "How old is he?" He asked. "18, why" I said raising an eyebrow. "Oh I take back my statement he's too young for me, didn't you say he had an older brother? How olds he?" Michal asked. Before I could answer EJ interrupted me saying "can you stop trying to get with everyone you meet?". "Awww ya jealous EJ?~" Michal said turn his head to EJ. "Hell no" EJ said as he stood up and started heading down stairs to the basement most likely going to his room. 

     Michal joined us when he was around 18 he's now 22 so he's been around for a while. He used to always flirt with everyone as long as they aren't younger than him, he says it's cuz he may be a killer but he ain't no creep. He has stopped flirting with people in the house, well except for EJ he knows it annoys him so he just keeps doing it. He and EJ are always fighting, and when they aren't fighting the are competing against each other. Their relationship is kinda weird I can't tell if they hate each other or not.

"So serious talk now" I turn my head to Michal, who's now fixing his brothers mask for him. "Why are you so persistent on him joining? I mean didn't you say he's scared of everything?" Michal asked and his brother chimed in "expect for snakes!". Michal ruffled his brothers, Alex's, hair. "Except for snakes. But do you really think he would be a good member?" Michal asked with a serious face. "Yeah I think he could be, he just needs to be pushed a little till he snaps." I said. "Michal I'm tired" Alex said as he pulled on Michal's sleeve. "Welp it's getting late I should put the little ones to bed and head to bed myself." He said as he stood up. He picked up Alex and put him on his hip and ruffled my hair saying "night kiddo don't stay up to late" then he grabbed Sally's hand and walked upstairs with them.

     After a bit of watching tv I headed to my room and plopped down on my bed. Headed too sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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