Chapter 41: Alchemic deals

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 was currently rubbing my red irritated eyes. It turns out that trying to detect sacred gears is a bit more complicated than I first thought.

Now, I don't really need to make a sacred gear detector that detects every sacred year. Just twice criticals, I can do that by just searching for Ddraigs aura.

The problem is that I don't know if that will work or not. Because I don't have a test subject. How do I acquire the first twice critical is the biggest problem here.

...I have an idea. It may be a bit of a risk, and I may not be fully prepared but if it goes well it will give me a huge, humongous big even advantage.

My plan was to call Azazel and exchange my first batch of my soon-to-be commercially available potions on exchange for a few Twice Criticals and other materials.

According to Ddraig, Azazel would almost definitely accept this deal. I also got assurance from Ddraig that potions were absurdly rare and valuable. Even when potions are made they are never commonly available, they are almost always too valuable and powerful to be used casually.

Even more so due to the nature of my potions. If I can secure a business relationship with Azazel that will be a humongous boon.

Not only will I have the ability to get filthy rich and the option to procure supernatural materials for more potions and cursed tools but I will also gain immense clout.

Now despite the way I say it, it is immensely important. After all, I will gain the reputation of an alchemist capable of brewing multitudes of potions, and not only that I will also gain a reputation as a friend and business partner of Azazel.

That reputation will go a long way to prevent me from getting a hit put on my head. By most definitely the Phenex family if I decided to expand into Devil territory.

Speaking of, I could also try the same with Leviathan but I don't trust her one inch. The moment I discuss something with her the other 3 Satans will hear of it. And when they hear of it the actual politicians of the underworld will hear of it. Then the old satan faction will hear of it and they would most likely do something if they did.

I swear I wouldn't trust the Devil politicians with one of my fucking toenails let alone my potions.

God and I thought just dealing with Azazel was annoying. I am unfortunately not powerful enough to stick a middle finger to all politics just yet. Politics are just there for people not strong enough to avoid them.

Having made up my mind I prepared some of my signature trademarked 100yen tea from the supermarket and sat down in my living room before calling Azazel on my devilphone and asking him to meet me for a business proposition.

Soon after Azazel, the bastard teleported right into my home. I would make a sarcastic remark about the front door but I think my irritated gaze toward Azazel got my intentions through well enough.

"Yo Aki-kun, what was this business proposition I heard about? Great tea by the way." He said as he slumped down on my couch and grabbed himself the cup of tea I prepped like he owned the place.

Maybe he did? I dont even know who this house is listed under.

Normally maids are supposed to be brewing the tea but since both of my relevant maids were busy and Ratshit was in her room most likely chronically masturbating due to the penalty.

Well, at least Azazel seems to consider us friends if he is this casual.

Reaching into my shadow I pulled 9 vials, 3 red, 3 blue, 3 green. Azazel looked on with not-so-hidden interest.

"You see, I have decided to dabble on some alchemy recently as I discovered that my cursed techniques allow me to create some delightful concoctions."

Azazel had that shine of interest in his eyes as he nodded for me to go on.

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